Release date: 2/4/2021
The current calculation logic for the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute field "Stock Qty Avail" is:
Qty On Hand - Qty Allocated + Qty Back Ordered
This is the same definition as Excess Qty, which means "Short Term Qty Available." It means that this is the quantity you can ship today by excluding back orders.
However, if the Qty Allocated is less than Qty Back Ordered, the resulting Stock Qty Avail will report a quantity greater than what is actually available. In the following example, the "Stock Qty Avail" would be reported as 11.
Generally speaking, Qty Allocated should be greater than or equal to Qty on BO. So the above scenario is weird. The reason this can happen is if you have Work Orders with a negative component. The negative component will decrease Qty Allocated (instead of increasing Qty on Order.) As of this writing, we are planning to change this logic.
To consider what scenarios can cause Qty Allocated to be less than Qty BO, the calculation logic has been changed as follows: if the Qty Allocated is less than the Qty on BO, the "Stock Qty Avail" will be equal to the Qty On Hand. For the example above, the "Stock Qty Avail" will now be 4. If the Qty Allocated is not less than the Qty BO, the current calculation logic will be used.
The QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute is reset by going to Global Setup -> Utilities -> I/M uUtilities -> Utilities -> generate statistic infO -> Generate -> update qty avail. by Comp. attribute -> Generate