Release Date - 2/20/19
This feature gives the user the ability to calculate the Order Total Sales Amount. This ability has been added to the Order Integrity Check utility program. It is available from Global Setup-> Utilities-> COP Utilities-> Utility-> Order Integrity Check. Two new options have been added to this application:
1. Update Order Total Sales Amount for Open & Non-Picked Orders? - The default value is N. If Y is entered, the order total sales amount will be calculated for all open non-picked "O," "B" and "Q" type orders.
2. Update Order Total Sales Amount Based on Qty Ord or To-Ship? - The default value is S. This field is only available if the user answered Y to field 1. If O is entered, the order total sale amount will be calculated using the quantity ordered.
If O is entered, the order total sale amount will be calculated using the quantity to ship.
- "I" and "C" type orders are not updated.
- For “Q” or “B” type orders, we calculate the order total
sales amount based on the quantity ordered.
- We only update “O” type orders if it is
“Complete” and Pick Ticket has not been printed.
- Any line item that’s already posted is skipped.
The report that is generated prints the before and after value for the order total sale amount. Two new accumulators are available showing the total number of orders changed and if any size error was encountered during the calculation.
Currently, when Elliott prints pick tickets, it will automatically calculate the total line items printed on the pick ticket and update the order total sales amount. This is important if you need to get the total COD amount or calculate insurance with the shipping manifest system.
But before the pick ticket is printed, the Elliott sales order's total order sales amount field in the order header (CPORDHDR table) is not guaranteed to match the line item amount. This is especially true if you don't access the billing screen when you revise the line items of an order. Therefore, when users try to retrieve total order sales amounts from third party tools like Crystal Reports, or Excel Query, they cannot rely on the order total sales amount value. As a result, they have to calculate the order total sales amount based on the line items on the order, and the logic is complicated. This option is intended to resolve this kind of problem.
Programs Modified: CPORDCHS, CPORDCHK