37.34hrs/240 = 0.155583 hrs/EA * 3600 sec/hr = 560 secs/EA = 9 mins and 20 secs. Therefore it is displayed as 00:09:20.
15.73hrs/84 = 0.187261 hrs/EA * 3600 sec/hr = 674 secs/EA = 11 mins and 14 secs. Therefore it is displayed as 00:11:14.
Note that it is possible the complete qty is zero. In this case, 00:00:00 is shown.
21.62hrs/156 = 0.138590 hrs/EA * 3600 sec/hr = 499 secs/EA = 8 mins and 19 secs. Therefore it is displayed as 00:08:19.
Note the balance could have negative value when the current hours exceed planned hours and production is not complete yet.
You can interpret the above number as though we plan to produce 240 EA at 9 mins 20 secs/EA. So far we have produced 84 EA at 11 mins 14 secs, which is longer than we expected. As a result, if we want to finish the balance qty of 156, we need to produce each at 8 mins 19 seconds in order not to exceed our budget.
the calculation of average direct labor hours exceeds 100 hours, then the overflow value of 99:99:99 is displayed. Also, if the work order is complete, the above calculations will be done using the quantity completed instead of the balance.
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