Release date: 03/04/2016
New Default Behavior
After installing Elliott 8.06.308 release, the location of a spooled report will change from directly under a module to a subfolder two levels below the module. The first level of subfolder will be the current year. The next level subfolder will be the current month. So, each monthly subfolder will contain only the reports for that module generated in that month. This eliminates the need to archive reports in the future. In the image below, you can see that the March 2016 Accounts Receivable reports are in their own folder:
The commonly asked question after Elliott 8.06.308 update is where are my new spooled reports? Well, they are under the current year and month subfolder. Initially, this new behavior will be unfamiliar to you. But, for most users, the new behavior will work out best on the long run because you do not need to worry about archiving spooled reports anymore. There are new context menu options that will make this approach more useful -- see the article entitled "Feature - New Context Menus in v8.0 Spooled Reports Manager."
Some users don't like this new automatic archive feature. If you would like to disable this feature, you can follow the instructions in the following section.
Eliminating Automatic Archiving
If you do not want any automatic archiving, you can eliminate it by updating EL800U.CFG to contain the following section:
Specifying None tells Elliott to store spooled reports directly under the module subfolder.
Automatic Archiving Options
If you would like to change the default monthly archive folder option, you can update EL800U.CFG as follows.
Each Elliott module can have its own automatic archiving option. The possibilities are:
Yearly to store spooled reports for the module under a subfolder by year.
Monthly to store spooled reports for the module under a subfolder by month.
Daily to store spooled reports for the module under a subfolder by day.
None to store spooled reports for the module directly under the module.
High Volume Reports
If you have a report that runs every few minutes, you probably don't want all those reports mixed in with other reports. In that case, you can add an entry in the [Spool-Reports-Folders] section of EL800U.CFG that will result in those reports being stored in a separate folder, away from other reports in that module. It would look something like the following:
This example would result in all the CP0305 reports being stored in their own folder structure like this:
You can specify Yearly, Monthly or Daily, depending on how you want the reports grouped. You may add an entry for each report you would like to separate out from the rest of the Elliott reports..
Files modified: EL800S.CFG