Release Date: 09/22/2020
Version: 8.5 & Up
There's a vertical add-on feature that you can access in BOMP -> Maintenance -> Product Structure File -> Import. You can import BOMP Product Structure based on the following CSV layout:
By design, this application does not allow importing of duplicate components. It is now changed by prompting the following flag during the import:
3. Allow Duplicate Components ?
The default value is "N." See sample screen below:
Generally speaking, having duplicate components for the same parent item is considered to be an exception. So you want to treat it as an "Error" by default. Then during the Pre-interface, if there are any errors, you can easily see them as "Errors" at the end of the report. See sample below:
You can then search for "Error" in the report to identify to reason easily. For example, if it is caused by duplicate component item, you will see the following sample:
If you confirmed that the duplicate component item exceptions are expected, then you can simply change the flag "3. Allow Duplicate Components?" to "Y" and try again.
Modified Programs: BMIMSPST, SYIMPSTR