Released Date: 09/13/2016
Global Trading Item Number (GTIN) is a 14-digit UPC code that consists of a 1-digit package code + 12-digit UPC code + 1-digit checksum. Elliott supports GTIN maintenance through Item File Maintenance. Some users have said that they like to let the warehouse personnel maintain GTIN information, but they don't want to let them access Item File Maintenance.
Therefore, with this enhancement, we added a new flag in Global Setup -> I/M Global Control, screen 3, as follows:
15. Allow GTIN Maint. in IM->PRC-> Change Bin No?
See sample screen below:
If this flag is set to "Y," then in the I/M -> Processing -> Change Bin No/Pick Seq function, users will be able to access GTIN maintenance after entering a valid item number. The interface is just like Item File Maintenance. See sample screen below: