Feature - Added ^TRANSFERBATCHS Attribute to Track Transfer Batches from Sales Orders

Feature - Added ^TRANSFERBATCHS Attribute to Track Transfer Batches from Sales Orders

Release date: 10/20/2020

Version 8.5 and Up

This new feature adds an attribute "^TRANSFERBATCHS"  to allow tracking of transfer batches from sales orders.

Define the attribute in System Utilities -> System Files Setup -> Maintenance -> Attribute File as follows:

Then, in System Utilities -> Global Setup -> Add-Ons -> Multi-Bin Control, set field "10. Create Inventory Transfer for Pick Ticket Prt ?" to "Y."

At this time a new window will appear with just one field: "Create ^TRANSFERBATCHS Attribute for Order?" Enter "Y."

If the attribute ^TRANSFERBATCHS has not been set up, the following window will appear showing the correct setup for the attribute.

When the transfer batch is created, the ^TRANSFERBATCHS attribute will be created and the highlighted fields will be filled.

When the transfer ticket is printed, for "S" type (Sales Order) records only, the following highlighted fields will be filled and the "Modified" field will be updated.

When the transfer ticket is posted, for "S" type (Sales Order) records only, the following highlighted fields will be filled and the "Modified" field will be updated.

Modified Programs:



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