Release date: 4/19/2022
Version: 8.5 and Up
The purpose of this feature is to map the imported ship-to contact phone number to Elliott's Sales Order Country field. This assumes your sales order ship-to addresses are inside the USA only. Hence, the Country field in the order header has no use. In this case, we need to print the contact phone number on shipping documents such as the pick ticket, packing slip, or shipping labels. This can be important for drop-ship consumer orders when carriers need to contact the consumer directly for the delivery.
A Customer EDI Profile flag was added to screen 7 to control if the ship-to contact phone number should be copied to the Country field.
The following is a sample ship-to XML segment we received from SPS:
<Address1>1855 ST FRANCIS ST</Address1>
The Elliott SPS Service will take the ship-to address and contact information and place them in Attribute records in the import file of a sales order.
The Attribute records, indicated with an "I" in the first column, have predefined codes for SPS that begin with an underline (_). The first Attribute record is _ADDRESS01 and the next column is a qualifier of ST. This indicates a ship-to record. The next two Attributes are the address and contact for the ship-to. The contact Attribute is _ADDRESS01CT01, and the third column over is the phone number: 703-707-9640. When the EDI Profile flag is set to Y, this value will be copied to the Country field of the ship-to. The Country field is 20 characters, so there is plenty of room for the formatted phone number.
The Import Edit List and Journal prints the ship-to address before the contact can be evaluated, so the phone number will not print in the Country section. A message will appear just below it to indicate the phone number will be stored in the Country field.
Order Inquiry can prove the imported order has the phone number in the Country field Test all scenarios from label printing to creating outbound EDI documents to make sure the phone number does not cause a problem.
Modified Programs: