Release Date: 3/14/2019
Version: 8.2 and Up
Added CSV file creation to Print Costed Bill of Material report.
Go to BM --> Processing --> Print Costed Bill of Material
If the CSV file output is desired, enter "Y for "Export to CSV File?" then enter a file name and path for "CSV File Name & Path."
Fields exported:
ParentItem - Parent item number
ParentDesc - Parent item description 1
ParentDesc2 - Parent Item description 2
LLC - Parent low level code
DfltRtg - Parent default routing
CompItem - Component item number (Component line only)
CompDesc - Component description 1 (Component line only)
CompDesc2 - Component description 2 (Component line only)
SeqNo - Component sequence number (Component line only)
CompLLC - Component low level code (Component line only)
P/M - Component purchased or manufactured flag (Component line only)
Act - Component activity code (Component line only)
Scrap - Component scrap factor (Component line only)
UOM - Component stocking unit of measure (Component line only)
QtyPer - Component quantity per parent (Component line only)
CompCost - Component cost (Component line only)
ExtCost - Component extended cost (Component line only)
LastRecv - Date last received
ParentOrigCost - Parent original cost from the Item Master File (Parent line only)
ParentNewCost - Calculated parent cost based on current component cost and routing information, if chosen (Parent line only)
CostVariance - Difference between the parent original cost and the parent new cost (Parent line only)
if field 4, "Include Routing," is "Y" the following fields will be included after ExtCost and before LastRecv columns:
Oper - Operation number
OperType - Operation type
OperId - Operation ID
OperDesc - Operation description 1
OperDesc2 - Operation description 2
WC - Work center
Dept - Department
QtyPerBatch - Quantity per batch
UserDefCd - Routing user defined code
MachineNo - Machine number
Est/Std - Estimated or standard values
DirectLabRate - Direct labor rate
DirectLabRateUOM - Direct labor rate unit of measure
DirectLabGrade - Direct labor grade
DirectLabHrs - Direct labor hours
DirectLabAmt - Direct labor amount
ShareLabRate - Shared labor rate
ShareLabRateUOM - Shared labor rate unit of measure
ShareLabGrade - Shared labor grade
ShareLabHrs - Shared labor hours
ShareLabAmt - Shared labor amount
MachRate - Machine rate
MachRateUOM - Machine rate unit of measure
MachOperMode - Machine operation mode
MachHrs - Machine hours
BurdenAmt - Burden amount
Modified programs: BM1000, BM10P3