Feature - Added a Function "Create Inventory Trx CSV Import"

Feature - Added a Function "Create Inventory Trx CSV Import"

Release date: 12/29/2016
Updated:          2/21/2017
Updated:          4/25/2017
Updated:          5/2/17

Added a function to IM / Maintenance / Item file / Create /  Create Inventory Trx CSV Import to automate the receipt of inventory items thru returned inventory. This application also generates a report of all of information that was entered on the screen.

Notes on the import screen:

1) The Dist Type is required and cannot be blank.

2) When on the Item No/SO# field, you may press F4 to see transactions created to this point, enter a valid item number, or enter a sales order number. As of 4/25/17, you may also enter a number, from 1 to 99.  The number will be understood to be the quantity.  If no number is entered, the quantity will default to 1.  The quantity field is no longer directly updated.
 If a sales number is entered, a separate window will appear with valid lines for that sales order.  See further explanation below.

Pressing F4 on the Item No/SO# field will open this screen, which allows delete, change and F1 for stock status.

If a sales order was entered, valid line items will appear on this screen.  Enter "C" to change, "N" to avoid creation of any transactions,
and "Y" to create a transaction for each line item (multiple screens are possible).

When using Multi-Bin and transactions are created, the bin will come from the item/inventory location picking sequence.  If the user needs to use a bin other than the default pick bin, the created CSV file may be changed before importing the file.

The created CSV file may be used as input to the IM / Processing / Inventory Transaction Processing / Import function.

The report is that is generated can be printed in either entry or bin number order. This is controlled via Util-Setup-> Global Setup-> Dist-> I/M Global Control-> Screen 3-> 17. Create Inventory Trx CSV Import Print Seq.

Valid options are E=Entry Sequence and B=Bin Sequence. The default is "E". Here is an example of the report printed in Bin Sequence order.



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