Version: 8.5 and up
Added support for columns AC, AD, AE (Customer Tax Codes) to the Mass Change Customer CSV Import.
If provided:
If Global Setup --> Add-Ons --> Vertax Sales Tax --> Use Vertax Sales Tax = "Y," providing a value will produce an error.
Maximum size is 3 characters.
Must be on file in the ARCODES table.
Cannot be the same as Customer file Tax Code2 if TaxCode2 is not provided.
If TaxCode2 is provided, it cannot match.
Cannot be the same as Customer file Tax Code3 if Taxcode3 is not provided.
If TaxCode3 is provided, it cannot match.
Note: The field is converted to upper case before processing.
$$BLANK$$ option is not applicable and will produce an error.
$$GETTAX$$ option is not allowed if AR Global Control--> Auto Assign Tax Code is not = "Y." If it is = "Y, and $$GETTAX$$ is entered, the ARGETTAX program is called and customer file Tax Code 1, 2, and 3 are filled with the results of that call.
If provided:
if Gobal Setup --> Add-Ons --> Vertax Sales Tax --> Use Vertax Sales Tax = "Y", providing a value will produce an error.
Maximum size is 3 characters.
Must be on file in the ARCODES table.
Cannot be the same as Customer file Tax Code 1 if TaxCode1 is not provided.
If TaxCode1 is provided, it cannot match.
Cannot be the same as Customer file Tax Code 3 if TaxCode3 is not provided.
If TaxCode3 is provided, it cannot match.
Note: The field is converted to upper case before processing.
$$BLANK$$ option is applicable if Customer file Tax Code 3 = Spaces or if provided TaxCode3 = $$BLANK$$. Otherwise $$BLANK$$ should produce an error.
If $$GETTAX$$ is provided in TaxCode1, TaxCode2 should not be provided.
If provided:
If Global Setup --> Add-Ons --> Vertax Sales Tax --> Use Vertax Sales Tax = "Y", providing a value will produce an error.
Maximum size is 3 characters.
Must be on file in the ARCODES table.
Cannot be the same as Customer File Tax Code 1if TaxCode1 is not provided.
If TaxCode1 is provided, it cannot match.
Cannot be the same as Customer file Tax Code 2 if TaxCode2 is not provided.
If TaxCode2 is provided, it cannot match.
If TaxCode2 was not provided and the current Customer file Tax Code 2 = spaces, this will produce an error.
Note: The field is converted to upper case before processing.
$$BLANK$$ option is allowed.
If $$GETTAX$$ is provided in TaxCode1, TaxCode3 should not be provided.
Modified programs: SYCUSMAS, SYCUSMAP