Feature - Add Serial Number Support to PO Warehouse Receiving Import

Feature - Add Serial Number Support to PO Warehouse Receiving Import

Release Date - 6/25/18

In Elliott, the PO -> Processing -> Utility -> Warehouse Recv Import application supports receiving through CSV file import. The CSV file currently supports the following columns:
  • Vessel ID 
  • Vessel Comment
  • Vessel Receiving
  • Vessel Inv/Doc No
  • Vessel Shipped Date
  • Vessel Arrival Date
  • Trx PO Number
  • Trx Line Number
  • Trx Item Number
  • Trx Quantity
  • Trx Unit Cost
  • Trx Comment
  • Trx Receiver
  • Trx Inv/Document No
  • Receiving Description
  • Close PO Line Item

This feature adds serial number support to the PO Warehouse Receiving Import application. This is supported by the addition of a new Serial Number column (Column Q) in the CSV file layout.

Serial Number (Column Q): If the received item is serialized, then the serial number must be provided. Otherwise, the “Serial No” column should be blank. If the serial number is provided, then the “Trx Quantity” (Column J) should equal to “1.”  The total “Trx Quantity” is implied by the number of serial numbers provided In the CSV file.

In the example below, purchase order 531-00 line number 1 was for the serialized item CLSERIAL. Ten lines were provided in the CSV file. Each has a transaction quantity of 1. They are accumulated and shown as a total receipt quantity or 10. 

NOTE: This program will analyze the entire CSV file, looking for errors. If any are encountered, this is noted with the "Errors" message in the status column. If the errors are found during the interface process, none of the records in the CSV file will be imported. The errors must be corrected before the records can be imports. If this occurs, the message "Errors Present - Import Aborted! - CSV file not deleted" is provided at the end of the report.

Programs Modified: POWRIMNT, POWRIIMP