Release date: 10/18/2021
Version: 8.5 and Above
This new feature involves the addition of Original Price and Discount fields to the PO Line Item file.
The concept of this change is that the default cost for a PO line item will be copied to the new Original Price field (with consideration of UOM). If the user is offering a special discount for the PO, he or she may enter a discount -- for example 2%. We will then calculate the FOB cost using this discount percent and the original price. The FOB cost is the Elliott real line item cost. The new Original Price field will be like a list price. The Discount percent field will default to 0% for the first line item, but if the field is overridden, future line item discounts will default to the previous Discount percent. The same concept applies when line items are added using the "F3=Create by Sales Hist" option. The Discount percent entered in the Create by Sales Hist screen will become the new default Discount percent for any other line items added.
Before this change, Elliott only had one field for price, which was the FOB Cost. In theory, a user could just enter each line item and override the FOB Cost with the default cost less the discount, but this may be tedious, Also, the user may not want the discount to be reflected in their item standard cost since the discount is a one-time deal and the customer can't expect that discount in the future.
The following is a sample screen showing the line item entry screen before the changes. Please note the areas outlined in red, as those are the areas most affected by the changes. First, the Ship Date field is moved to the area that contains the Line Stat and Firm? fields. Then fields 9-12 have been moved down one line to make room for either the Firm? and Line Stat fields (if the feature is not turned on), or Price/Dsc% fields (if the feature is turned on).
This feature is turned on by going to Global Setup --> Dist --> Po global control, field "43. Enter PO Line Item Original Price & Disc%?." Enter "Y" to turn the feature on.
The following is the layout of the line item screen when the feature is not turned on. Note that the Ship Date field is moved to the right side of the screen and the Date Firm? and Line Stat fields are now just above the FOB Cost field.
Still with the feature not turned on, and pressing F5 for Display Order, the column on the right will contain only the "FOB-Prc" field.
If "F4=Sync to Current FOB Cost" is selected, both FOB and New-Prc fields will be displayed as follows:
Pressing Escape after F4 displays the following message, giving the user the option to proceed with the changes. Press "Yes" only if you want the new values for FOB Cost to be written to the Line Item file.
If this feature is turned on (Global Setup --> Dist --> Po global control, field "43. Enter PO Line Item Original Price & Disc%?". Enter "Y"), the following is the layout of the Line Item screen: Note that the Ship Date field is now on the right side of the screen. The FOB Cost value is a calculation of the Price field less the discount.
If the "F5=Display Order" is pressed, note that two values will be listed: the FOB cost (calculated) and Orig-Prc.
If "F4=Sync to Current FOB Cost" is selected, the column values will also include a New value for the Original Price field. Note that the value is calculated but not written to the file yet.
If Escape is pressed, the following message will appear, showing how many line items' Original Price and FOB cost (calculated) values will be updated. Press "Yes" only if you want the new values for FOB Cost and Orig Price to be written to the Line Item file.
Please note that the FOB Cost field on the Line Item screen may be overridden with a value of the user's choosing. If this is done, the FOB cost will not be recalculated when using the "F4=Sync to Current FOB Cost" and the screen will show the message "*FOB Prc Manually Chgd*" for that line item.
If one or more line items have had the FOB Cost changed manually and if the "F4=Snyc to Current FOB Cost" function is performed, when exiting the Display Order screen the message will show that fewer line items will have the FOB recalculated than changes to the Original Price field. Press "Yes" only if you want the new values for FOB Cost and Orig Price to be written to the Line Item file.
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