Release Date: 5/15/17 (Functionality of the F option was changed on 4/9/18)
This feature allows the user to print picking tickets by first Order Line Bin number when printing picking tickets from COP--> Processing --> Print Pick/Pack Tickets --> Print Picking Tickets.
A new option in Util-Setup-> Global Setup-> COP-Func-> Pick Ticket/Ship Labels-> 6. Print F2 Comment on Pick Ticket by Default?
If this field is set to N, a pop up window will allow the user to set a default value for the printing sequence for picking tickets.
The default value is B.
This default value is applied to field 9 on the Picking Ticket Parameter screen:
9. Printing Sequence (Prt F2 Comment…) - The options are :
B = Order+Bin
L = Order+ Line# (Prt F2 Comments)
F = 1st Line Bin + Order + Line#
If the Global Setup option to print F2 comments on the picking ticket by default is set to Y, this field will default to "L." If it is set to N, the default value for this field is "B" if no default was specified in Global Setup.
If the starting order number is equal to the ending order number, the "F" is not available. When choosing the "F" option, the picking tickets will be printed in order by the picking sequence for the first line item on the order instead of by order number sequence. This can be useful if the majority of the orders processed only have one line.
NOTE: For Kit Items, the bin used for sorting will be the bin for the first kit component.
Modified programs: CP02P1.WS, CP0100, CP0400, CPFBCBYI, CPFBCUSL, CPQUOSCN, CPRESORD, CP02S1, CP02P1