Release Date: 07/08/2021
Version: 8.5 & Up
In COP -> Utilities -> Sales Order Export -> Order Data Export, a new flag is added:
15. Export Posted/Closed/Canceled Orders?
See sample screen below:
The possible values are:
- P = Posted Orders Only (not to include closed orders)
- C = Closed Orders Only
- X = Canceled Orders Only
- N = None of Posted, Closed or Canceled orders
- A = All Orders
The primary purpose of this flag is to allow users to export canceled or closed orders. The exported canceled or closed orders will be able to interface with SPS as "rejected" 855 (order acknowledgement). The closed order will be marked in the exported journal as "closed" and the canceled order will be marked as "canceled." See sample screen below:
Keep in mind the following two flags when you export a closed order:
9. Export Order Already Export - default to "N"
15. Export Posted/Closed/Canceled Orders? - default to "N"
If you only export one order at a time (i.e., starting order = ending order,) the system will make sure that the order will be exported and hence make the default as follows:
9. Export Order Already Export - default to "Y"
15. Export Posted/Closed/Canceled Orders? - default to "A" (All Orders)
If you try to export a range of canceled or closed sales orders, then you should answer "Y" to flag 9 and "X" or "C" to flag 15 manually.
Modified Programs: CPORDEDI, CPORDEDP