Release date 1/9/2021
Version 8.5 & Up
This feature adds "age days" and "last calculated date" to the Stock Status inquiry screen. These fields come from Item File Maintenance field 27:
Age days is a good way to indicate what your inventory turnover is and thus to evaluate a buyer's performance. You can also see the same information in I/M -> Reports > Inventory Aging Report.
Note that field "27. Age Days" in Item Master is not updated automatically. If you'd like to keep age days up-to-date, you should run the following application by going to Global Setup -> Utilities -> I/M Utilities -> Generate Statistic Information -> Recalculate Item Inventory Age Days. You can add this to your Deferred Processing and let it run every night.
The new Stock Status Inquiry screen will look like the following sample screen:
Note the "Weight" field was also moved to the left and the "Class" (Inventory class, A, B, C...etc.) field was moved down one line to make space for "Age Days" and "Last Calculated Date."
If your Global Setup -> COP-Ctl -> Stock Status Inquiry -> "11. Display Next Year ATP Usage & replace UDC ?" is set to "Y," then your Stock Status screen will look something like the following:
Modified program: IM0500