Feature - A/P Simple Trx Processing

Feature - A/P Simple Trx Processing

Release Date - 2/4/16

This new functionality has been added with the intention of allowing customers to import CSV files that are provided by credit card companies. This new application will allow the users to import the transactions into a temporary intermediate processing file where they can supply more information about the transaction, such as the expense account, the Elliott vendor number, or voucher reference. This editing process will also allow the users to add their own transactions or delete any transactions in the intermediate file. Once the information has been processed, the users can post the transactions to the New A/P Transaction Processing application for further review.
Global Setup Changes

Several new A/P Global Setup options have been added to support this new functionality.

18. CSV Import File Path & Name - Default name of the CSV file to be imported.

19. Does CSV File Have A Header Row ?  Default value for import program screen prompt. Defaults to N.

20. Default Voucher Type - Default value for import program screen prompt. Valid options are V=Voucher and P=Prepaid. Defaults to P.

21. Match Ref To Vendor Name For CSV Import? This option lets the user choose if the Simple Trx Processing import and edit programs will use intelligent matching to attempt to determine what the vendor number should be based upon the Reference provided in the CSV file. Defaults to Yes.

New A/P Transaction Processing Changes

 New functionality has been added to New A/P Transaction Processing menu. A new menu option named Simple Trx will launch a menu with the following options: Edit, List, Import, Post

Simple Trx Import

The user will have the ability to import transactions from a CSV file. This can be useful when importing a file representing the transactions from a credit card statement.

The CSV Import function supports the following layout:

The new A/P Global Setup flag, Match Reference to Vendor Name, is used during the import process. 

If this flag is set to Yes and the vendor number was not provided in the CSV file, the program will attempt to intelligent match it.

  • If it is found, the APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO will be populated with the vendor number and APSIMTRX-CSV-REFERENCE will be populated with the contents of the reference field.
  • If the intelligent match fails, the APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO is not populated but the APSIMTRX-CSV-REFERENCE field is still populated with the contents of the reference field.  

If this flag is set to Yes and a vendor number was provided, the APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO will be populated with the vendor number from the CSV file. If a reference field was provided, place this information in the APSIMTRX-VOUCHER-REFERENCE field.

If the Global Setup flag is set to No and a vendor number was not provided in the CSV file, the APSIMTRX-CSV-REFERENCE will be populated with the contents of the CSV reference field but APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO will be blank.

If this flag is set to No and a vendor number was provided, the APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO will be populated with the vendor number from the CSV file. If a reference field was provided, place this information in the APSIMTRX-VOUCHER-REFERENCE field.

If one single vendor number is provided on import parameter screen, the vendor number will be placed in the APSIMTRX-VENDOR-NO field for every transaction in the CSV file. If a reference field is provided, it will be placed in the APSIMTRX-VOUCHER-REFERENCE field.

Simple Trx Import Parameters:

1. Import A/P Invoice From: (File Path & Name) - Defaults to the setting in A/P Global Setup.

2. Does CSV File Have A Header Row? - Defaults to the setting in A/P Global Setup.

3. Vendor Number - Entering a single vendor number will assign that vendor number to every transaction imported regardless of the contents of the vendor number or vendor name field. If the field is left blank, the contents of the vendor number and vendor name fields in the CSV file will be used to determine the vendor number for each transaction.  

4. Expense Account:   Entering a single expense account will assign that expense account to every transaction that is imported. If the field is left blank the program will use the expense accounts from the CSV file, if provided.

5. Batch ID - This field is only applicable if using batches.

For example, consider the following sample CSV records:

  • Chili’s,10/1/15,25.00,,,
  • Office Supplies,10/2/15,35.43,125123,,

Once imported, it will create two transactions in APSIMTRX.BTR:

Vendor Name

Trx Date


Vendor No.

Expense Acct















Office Supplies


It the above example, the user did not provide the Vendor Number field for Chili’s. The first column is treated as the vendor name since the vendor number is not provided in the CSV. If the intelligent match feature is enabled, the import will attempt to determine the Vendor Number from Vendor Name to the best of its ability. For example, for Vendor Name “Chili’s,” the program will start with the first character “C” and find there are more than 2 non-miscellaneous vendor names that start with “C,” so it will continue to the 2nd character for “CH.” The program still locates more than 2 non-miscellaneous vendor names, so it continues until it can find a single match vendor, or fail. If successful, the vendor number is filled. If not successful, the vendor number is left as blank to be determined later by the user.

If using batches, a record will be created/updated in the APIDFIL. Two new fields have been added: APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-AMT and APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-QTY. APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-AMT will be updated with the total value of the batch that is imported. APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-QTY will be updated with the number of transactions in the batch.

Simple Trx Edit

When the Edit option is chosen, it will bring up a list window where user can edit the imported transactions in a list format. Pressing Enter on an entry is considered change mode. Pressing the Insert key is used to add an entry. Pressing the Delete key is used to delete an entry. A batch total amount will be accumulated and displayed on the top or bottom right corner.

When the user chooses “Edit,” the program will prompt the user for a Batch ID (if using batches).

When a user presses the Enter key after highlighting a line, the program will pop up an editing window to allow entry with the maximum field length.

In the window, the program will prompt for the vendor number first. F7/F8 search is allowed. If vendor number is already determined, user can just press Enter through. If not, user should enter a vendor number. The vendor name and reference will be displayed in this window to help user to determine the vendor number to assign.

Once the vendor number is assigned (changed), the system will determine if it can suggest a default expense account number or not. This can be determined if the vendor has auto distribution turned on. If vendor has multiple distribution accounts, he/she should leave the expense account number blank so system will use the auto distribution percentage. Enter a specific expense account number to override the auto distribution.

Simple Trx Post

Once all of the transactions in the batch are processed, the transactions can be posted to create vouchers in the New A/P Transaction File – one each for the individual transactions listed.  The posting screen will have the following options for V type vouchers:

The posting screen will have the following options for P type vouchers:   

Once the batch ID entered, the program will scan through the batch to see:

  1. It is ready to post
  2. If the batch is for a single or multiple vendors.

If the batch is not ready to post, the user will be given an error message and he/she will not be allowed to proceed. This is a preliminary pass on the transactions verifying that the required information has been provided. It is still possible that a single transaction in a batch may not post if, for example, a duplicate invoice number is encountered.

If batches are not in use, the program will check if the all of the transactions on file are ready to post. If not, the user will receive an error message stating that the transactions cannot be posted.

Dist To G/L Date will default to T. The options are T=Trx Date, S=System Date and E=Enter Date. The application will use this entry to determine the date to use for the distribution to G/L Date when generating the New A/P Transaction. If the user enters E, the application will prompt them for a date to use.

Voucher Type will default to the new Global Setup Flag.

Due Days, Disc Days, and Disc Percent - These fields will be skipped if there’s more than one vendor number in the batch. For a single vendor batch, the vendor’s default will be displayed and the user can change the default. These fields are also skipped if the user chooses Prepaid voucher type for the batch.

Due Date - If the batch is for multiple vendors, not providing a date means that the posting program will determine the date based on the due days in the vendor file for each vendor in the batch. Entering a specific date will override this calculation. For single vendor, press enter will leave it blank which means to use value in 3, 4 and 5. Enter a specific date means to override 3, 4 and 5. This field is skipped if the user chooses Prepaid voucher type for the batch.

Check Number can only be entered if it is single vendor number batch. The user is allowed to manually enter the check number, or use F1 key to assign if sequential assignment of manual checks is allowed.

The option to enable the use of the F1 key to sequentially assign manual check numbers can be found in A/P Global Setup options 16 and 17.

The system will assign the manual check number for prepaid vouchers if the batch is for multiple vendors. This option must be enabled to process prepaid vouchers. The following error message will be displayed if the feature is not enabled and the voucher type "P" is chosen:

A voucher is eligible to be posted if all vendor numbers, transaction dates, amounts and expense accounts are on file for all transactions in the batch.

The posting program will also verify that the transaction date is within the current system period. If it is not in the current period and the system is set to Prevent the entry of dates outside the current period, the transaction will not be posted and an error message will print on the report.

If an invoice number is provided, the program will verify that the invoice number is not already on file for the vendor in the A/P Open Item File or in the New A/P Transaction File. If this is the case, the transaction will not be posted and an error message will print on the report.

If using batches, the APIDFIL record will be updated during posting. Two new fields have been added: APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-AMT and APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-QTY. APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-AMT will be reduced by the amount in APSIMTRX-INVOICE-AMOUNT. APIDFIL-TTL-SIMPLE-QTY will be reduced by the amount in APSIMTRX-INVOICE-AMOUNT. The values from these two fields will be added to either APIDFIL-TTL-VOUCHER-AMT and APIDFIL-TTL-VOUCHER-QTY or APIDFIL-TTL-PREPAID-AMT and APIDFIL-TTL-PREPAID-QTY depending upon the voucher type chosen during posting.


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