FA API Changes (V9.0)

FA API Changes (V9.0)

FA:  File Access (Without File Handling)

This API can be used to retrieve an individual field from a specific record in a file without specifying the file in the program and without opening and closing the file.  In its simplest form, one can, for example, retrieve a specific customer’s name in a single RD API call.  Using more API options and multiple API calls, one can list all the customer names in the file.  This API is only available for the files that are available using DDF names.

The changes displayed in bold below are changes to the API for V9.0.

Screen Parameters: FA,RD,id,rc Read file and return field value


Id = package id (optional, SY is default)

rc = Return pointer to record

Passing-Note-File-Name = file, e.g., ARCUSFIL

Passing-Note-File-Ref-Number = primary key, e.g., 000100

Screen-Alpha-Field = DDF field name, e.g., CUS_NAME


Screen-Alpha-Field = field value if successful and field is not numeric

Screen-Numeric-Field = field value if successful and field is numeric

Screen-Answer = “Y” if successful, “N” if not

If not successful, Screen-Alpha-Field contains the file status code.

Note: If the file is not already opened by a FA,OP call, it will be opened and closed automatically.

Screen Parameters: FA,OP,id,md - Open the file


Id = package id (optional, SY is default)

md=Mode (optional, Input is default, IO is supported)

Passing-Note-File-Name = file, e.g., ARCUSFIL


Screen-Answer = “Y” if successful. “N” if not

If not successful, Screen-Alpha-Field contains the file status code. 

Screen Parameters: FA,RW (New) - Rewrite a record


Passing-Note-File-Name = file, e.g., ARCUSFIL

Screen-Ptr =Address of record to be updated


Screen-Answer = “Y” if successful, “N” if not

If not successful, Screen-Alpha-Field contains the file status code.


An OP with IO for the mode is required before this call can be made. An RD (read), RN (read next) or RP (read previous) is required before this call can be made. 



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