Release Date: 12/21/2020
Version: 7.0 & Up
From time to time, users who are using Accounts Payable Check Printing encounter a message similar to the following:
Object Code error: file 'EL850U.LBR\BEXTFH.gnt'
error code: 153, pc=4900, call=23, seg=0
After the user clicks "OK," the current Elliott screen is terminated.
Problem was Fixed on 12/18/2020 for Elliott 8.5 & Up
Since this problem cannot be re-created, it has eluded us for a long time. Finally, the nature of this problem was found and fixed on 12/18/2020. If you experience this problem, upgrade your current code to a new Elliott 8.5 or up version released after this date and that will resolve this problem. If your current version is before Elliott 8.5, then you must upgrade to the later version. Upgrading to a later Elliott version is free of charge if you are on maintenance.
What Should You Do when You Encounter this Error?
The error 153 on BEXTFH at AP Check printing happens at the end of the check printing cycle. At that time, the check is actually printed as far as the system is concerned. All you have to do is to proceed with check posting.