Error 037 on GLFSPASS GL Fin Stmnt Pass File

Error 037 on GLFSPASS GL Fin Stmnt Pass File

Release Date: 09/17/2020
Version: 7.x & Up

Q - Our company implemented NTFS security with our Elliott folder. Our financial manager is not a Windows system admin so she has minimum rights to the DATA folder. We did the procedure in the following article to grant everyone in the group the modify right to all *.DAT files:

She was able to run a financial statement yesterday. Now, after another user (a Windows system admin) ran the financial statement, our financial manager receives the following error:
    Error 037 on GLFSPASS GL Fin Stmnt Pass File

What happened?

A - GLFSPASS is the General Ledger Financial Statement Passing File and is used when printing financial statements. It is a DAT instead of a BTR file. DAT file security is directly handled by the OS, and your financial manager by default has minimum rights to that file.  As stated in the above KB article, when you first implemented NTFS security, you used the NTFSSEC.bat DATA at the command prompt to grant all users in the Everyone group the right to modify all DAT files. That allows your financial manager to run financial statements.  Each time a user runs financial statements, the GLFSPASS.DAT file is re-created (i.e., the old file is deleted and a new file is created.) As a result, the Everyone user group rights go back to minimum as in the DATA folder. But since this file was created by your financial manager, she is the new owner of this file. The next time she runs the financial statement again, she has sufficient rights to override because she is the owner.

This will be fine until the Windows admin user (e.g., the boss) runs the financial statement. Since it is the Windows admin, he/she can override the GLFSPASS.DAT file. However, when your financial manager wants to run the financial statement again, she is no longer the owner of this GLFSPASS.DAT file. Thus, she receives the "Error 037 File access denied" message.

You can solve this problem in the following ways:
  1. Use NTFSSEC.bat DATA again as documented in the KB article above. You can also do this manually by using Windows Explorer and browsing to the <ElliottRoot>\DATA folder, then right clicking on GLFSPASS.DAT and granting the "Modify" right to the "Everyone" user group.
  2. Avoid letting the Windows admin run the financial statement and delegate this task to your financial manager only.
  3. Grant your financial manager full rights to the DATA folder.
  4. In Elliott 8.6, you can optionally convert GLFSPASS.DAT to a BTR file, and this issue will be resolved.
The permanent solution is resolved in Elliott 8.5 & up release after 05/05/2021.  Please see the following KB article:


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