Release Date: 08/22/2022
Version 8.5 & Higher
EDI trading partners may require that the UPC be provided on outbound EDI purchase orders (850). An 850 may be rejected when a UPC is not provided for a line item. Since the purchase order is initiated in Elliott, each item on the order needs to have the UPC populated in the Item record in order to be transmitted in the
850. Since the UPC setup is not required in Elliott, this
can potentially cause an issue. This enhancement will prevent a purchase order from being printed if one or more line items do not have the UPC
populated in the item record or if it is an invalid length. A valid length is anything from 12 to 14 characters to include UPC, EAN, and GTIN values. An Event was created to allow you to be notified when a purchase order did not print due to this condition. That way the items can be corrected before another print is attempted. The print is required before a purchase order can be exported for EDI.
To enable this
feature, go to Vendor File Maintenance or Inquiry in Accounts Payable and bring up
the vendor that requires the UPC. Select EDI Profile Maintenance in the Special Functions menu and set flag 11, Require UPC For PO Line Items, to "Y." See sample
screen below:
We suggest subscribing to the new "Printing PO Without UPC" Event to be notified when an attempt is made to print a purchase order without the required UPC. Click the Events icon, press F5 to insert a new Event, and scroll down to select the POINVPRT Event.
The parameters can be set under Disposition to be a Recurring Request, and under File/Reference you can click the "Subscribe to All" button so you only have to subscribe once to the Event.
Then select your email options, along with what items you would like in the email.
Now you can test it by printing a purchase order for this trading
partner. If you have an item without a UPC on the order, the order will
not print and the Event will be triggered for each item without a UPC.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 8:05 PM
To: Mark A. DeShazo
Subject: UPC missing for item SER-PORT
Vendor# 000100
PO# 000014-00
Vendor Name Computer Electronics Center
PO Line# 3
PO Item Desc1 Serial Port For Z80 25 Meg
PO Item Desc2 Serial - Port
PO Item Qty 70.00
PO Item Price 13.0000
Item UPC
-----Message End------
An email will be sent for each item that triggers the Event.
Modified Programs: APVENEDI, POINVPRT