Released Date: 09/05/2024
Version: 8.5 & Up
Q - I use two monitors most of the time. But sometimes I run one monitor only and when I try to launch the Elliott User List, it appears the User List application is launched, but nothing is displayed. On the bottom task bar area, I noticed there's an additional EL860P.EXE icon. When you mouse over, it shows "Elliott User List" with a blank screen. See sample screen below:
When that happens, I can only terminate the EL860P.EXE. The same issue applies if I run Elliott 8.5. But other users in my organization do not have this issue. It seems this problem is only unique to my desktop.
A - Most of the Elliott applications can switch between two monitors and one monitor smoothly. When you are running on two monitors, you may drag "User List" to the second monitor. Elliott will remember the Geo Location in the registry to be displayed next time at the same position. The entry of Geo-NWSMUSRL in the registry in the sample screen below will store that value:
\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NETcellent\Elliott\8.0\Control Center\Geo-NWSMUSRL
Unfortunately, Elliott User List was not programmed to handle the switching between two monitors to one monitor. Therefore, if User List was previously defaulted to display on the second monitor. It's second monitor location that is remembered in the registry above. Then when you change from two monitors to one monitor, the location of User List is no longer valid. Hence it creates the behavior you described.
We have just fixed User List on 9/5/2024 and future Elliott updates will not have this issue. Again, the vast majority of Elliott applications will handle the switching from two monitors to one monitor smoothly. But if this issue should happen to you, you can try to find the registry entry and delete it. Then this problem will be fixed.
Modified Program: NWSMUSRL