Release Date: 04/05/2024
Version: 8.x & Up
Q - One of my users received the following error today when she tried to
access spooled reports. Could you advise what may have caused this?
Open File - Security Warning
We can't verify who created this file. Are you sure you want to run this file?
Name: M:\proforce\bin\EL800RV.Exe
Type: Application
From: M:\proforce\bin\EL800RV.Exe
A - The message shows your user is still running Elliott 8.2 from the network path
(M:\proforce\bin\EL800RV.Exe). You can ask
her to choose “Run” to continue for now. The latest Windows security
model is not to trust any EXE running over a network path. I think that is the root
cause for the message.
This is one of the reasons why in Elliott
8.5 and up, by default we run from the local path to avoid the network path security
issue. Can you convert your user to run local with Elliott 8.5 and up then try again?
See the following KB article for more details:
If you need
more help with converting your user to run Elliott 8.5 and up, you can speak to your IT. Otherwise, you can speak to
our support department as well.