Performing Physical Count Processing
1. Preparation:
a. Date: Decide physical count Start Date and End Date. There should be no Inventory moving during the period, including production, shipping, receiving and adjustments.
b. Warehouse Planning: Perform warehouse cleanup and re-arrangement of stocking room, merge the same-category items in the same area and job assignment.
c. Material Issued to Shop Floor: Do not count QTY-ON-HAND (Stocking).
d. Post Transactions: Post all inventory-related transactions, including invoices, production, receiving and adjustments before start date.
e. Freeze Inventory: Process Inventory Freeze at either Prior Start Date or Start Date (book value should be identical of both days).
f. GL Inventory Count Variance Creation: Make sure GL chart account and IM Setup field # 25 flag is set to “Y” if you’d like to create a GL transaction for the variance.
2. Prepare Count Sheet:
You may create a worksheet based on the Elliott layout using third-party tools or from Elliott Physical Processing. What follows is the procedure to create an Elliott Count Sheet.
a. Make sure the Tag file is clean: Print “List.” You should see “*** Nothing In Range ***” showing up.
b. Mass create Tags: Create 0 (or Computer QTY) tag from Physical Count Utility.
(IM --> Processing --> Physical Count Processing --> Utilities --> Create Zero QTY Count Tag)
c. There are 3 import questions:
i. Location – You may create one location or multiple locations at a time.
ii. Generate Tag For QTY-OH = 0? (Y/N) – Tag list will be very long if your majority item Qty-OH is 0.
iii. Generate Tag with Zero or Computer Qty (Z/C) -- You may create either 0 QTY or copy from system QTY-ON-HAND as tag count QTY (recommend: C).
d. Export Tag to CSV through Export Menu (Physical Count Processing --> Utility --> Export).
You may create a CSV file and store in the proper folder.
Speadsheet: COUNT2014-10.CSV is shown below.
(1). Save file to an Excel worksheet format (XLSX).
(2). Location 01 should save to text format (make sure location is 01, not 1).
(3). You may insert a blank “Qty Count” column at E, then hide “Quantity” if you created a tag with computer QTY.
(3-2) After inserting “QTY Count” on E, Computer QTY, push F, and change header to “Beginning QTY.”
(3-3) Hide “Beginning QTY” for count worksheet, then enter new count QTY in column E.
3. Enter Counted QTY on Count Sheet:
a. Enter Counted QTY in column E.
b. Quick Compare Count QTY and Computer QTY (unhide column F and insert a Variance column right after).
Important: Enter and work on the spreadsheet in an Excel format instead of CSV. Use CSV format for import only. *** Never reopen a spreadsheet from an CSV file if you need to revise or fix some line information. Opening a spreadsheet from CSV may remove the leading 0 from the text columns, especially Item# or Location Code.
4. Import New Counted Spreadsheet Back to Tag file:
a. Keep only columns A to E (delete columns F and beyond):
b. Make sure there are no errors on pre-interface report.
c. Interface – Import one location at time.
Important: In Field # 4, select “O” overwrite at first location (i.e., 01) then select “A” append for secondary location (i.e., 02, 03, 07, etc.)
5. Evaluation -- Variance Report: (Physical Count Processing Report)
Elliott provides a very powerful report to compare variances with the system and count quantity with cost amount.
a. Generate Tag Work File – User should run “Generate Tag Work File” first (very important). T= Total Count, “Generate Date” should be same as “Freeze Date” if your count is based on “Freeze Date.”
b. By Warehouse/Variance Report – The Variance Report is sorted by Variance Amount (descending), which allows the user to focus on the largest amount first.
c. By Item/Variance Report – Variance Report Item number sequence.
d. Tag Reconciliation Report – Showing missing or multiple tags by item number.
(Sample: Variance Report by Variance Value)
Option: Convert Variance Report to Excel Pivotable to summarize multiple locations.
6. Post Physical Count to Update Inventory:
a. Before posting - 1: Backup files: IMITMFIL.BTR, IMINVLOC.BTR, IMTAGFIL.BTR, IMINVTRX.BTR, IMDISFIL.BTR (K:\elliott7\data fold)
b. Before Posting - 2: Print Frozen Stock Status Report to disk (option) (IMà Report à Frozen Stock Status Report).
c. Print “Update Edit List” for final confirm before Post.
(IM --> Processing --> Post Physical Count)