Release Date: 02/18/2019
Q - I just implemented Elliott on a Windows 2019 server, when I started up Elliott for the first time, I received the following message:
EL850US: Btrieve Error 094 on USERS SY Users Lic. File
94: The application encountered a permission error
I am logged in as an admin equivalent user, so why would I encounter a permission error?
A - On Windows 2016 or 2019 servers, due to the UAC users security elevation characteristic, even though you are logged in as an admin equivalent user, you still don't have the admin right by default unless you get the UAC security elevation prompt. Since you are not getting the UAC security elevation prompt when running Elliott, you are running at limited security. On the other hand, if you login as "Administrator," you won't have this issue.
This problem can be resolved if you follow the guidelines to implement Elliott NTFS Security. See the following KB article for more details:
Specifically, you need to configure the PSQL Engine to use "Mixed Mode" security for Btrieve so users' NTFS security will not be used when accessing the Btrieve files.