Definition of the Order Header Freight Pay Codes

Definition of the Order Header Freight Pay Codes

Q - What are the definitions of the order header freight pay codes? In the past, there were only two types of freight pay codes:
The codes have been expanded recently, and we are struggling with their meaning.  For example, we can't determine the difference between "C=Consignee" & "R=Recpt(collect)." See sample screen below.

A - The driving reason behind the expansion of these freight pay codes is to support Starship, which is an integrated shipping manifest system that supports Elliott out of the box.  If you use Starship for your shipping manifest process, these codes are meaningful.  If you don't use Starship, then it is up to your integrated third-party shipping manifest systems, if any, to interpret these freight pay codes.  What follows is how Starship interprets these codes:
    C=Consignee (Consignee in Starship for UPS, and Collect for FedEx)
    T=Third Party to pay for freight
    R=Recipient pay freight (Collect)
    S=Sender to pay for freight
    P=Prepaid by sender 
    Blank=Prepaid by sender
As for using codes "S", "P" or Blank, it makes no difference to Starship.  Elliott treats "S" as prepaid and free, and "P" or Blank as prepaid and billable.  "P" can be configured as "Prepaid and Free" in Elliott via Global Setup.

The freight code "H" means this order is on hold and it is not a freight pay code.  

Also, you can enter these freight pay codes in the Customer File Maintenance screen 2, "38. Frt Col/Prepaid" field, which serves as a default value to the order header screen.  The explanation of this field in Customer File Maintenance has more detail than the one on the order header screen.

As far as Elliott is concerned, it will use these freight pay codes to determine if the freight amount on the order should be skipped or not:
    C=Consignee - the freight amount is skipped
    T=Third Party - the freight amount is skipped
    R=Recipient - the freight amount is skipped
    S=Sender - the freight amount is skipped
    P=Prepaid - the freight amount is billable by default. But it depends on the Global Setup.
    Blank=Prepaid - the freight amount is billable to the customer
For freight pay codes "C," "T," "R" and "S," Elliott will skip the freight amount fields in the billing screen. However, if you should insist and choose to override the freight amount, Elliott will let you do so.

Also, even though Elliott interprets "S" as "Prepaid and Free Freight," Starship simply interprets that as "Prepaid."  If you don't want Starship to write back the freight amount for "S" like "P" or Blank freight pay codes, you will need to configure the rules in Starship.

The following are detailed explanations of the Elliott freight pay codes.

Consignee is unique to UPS, and it is used for large accounts that have contractual agreements with UPS to pay for your shipment.  You must have consignee's approval before you can use this shipping method. For example, Walmart has this kind of contractual agreement with UPS. If Walmart asks you to ship to them through UPS consignee, then you will use the code "C."  "Consignee" billing method is not applicable to FedEx.  If you use "C" for a FedEx shipment, Starship will interpret that as "Collect."

For UPS, "Consignee" is not the same as "Collect." "Collect" does not require a contractual agreement between the carrier and the recipient. On the other hand, "Consignee" does.  See the following article  from UPS for a detailed explanation of "Consignee" billing:

T=Third Party
This means the freight is paid by a third party instead of the recipient. This is common when you ship to a store and the freight is billed to the headquarters.  You should set up Starship to pull the third party freight billing account to automate the shipment. The third party freight billing account is is typically stored in Customer Note 1 - 5 fields.

This is considered "Collect" in Starship. To use this freight collect method, the recipient does not need to have a contractual agreement with the carrier.  You should set up Starship to pull the recipient freight billing account from Elliott to automate the shipment.  If your customers ask you to ship them "collect" without saying the magic word "consignee," then you should use this freight pay method "R."

Starship treats "S" same as "Prepaid."  On the other hand, Elliott treats "S" as "Prepaid and Free." You should configure Starship so it will not perform freight write back to Elliott when the freight pay code = "S".

Starship treats "P" as "Prepaid."  As far as Elliott goes, "P" can mean "Prepaid and Billable" (default) or "Prepaid and Free." This depends on Global Setup -> Order Header Screen, Screen 2 -> "22. Does Freight Status 'P' Means Prepaid & No Charge." If this flag is set to "Y," then Elliott will skip the "Freight Amount" in Order Billing screen similar to "S."

This means freight is prepaid by the sender and the freight can be billable to the customer.

Please be aware when you use freight billing method as consignee, third party or recipient, if your carrier fails to collect freight from them, then your carrier will bill you back for the freight.

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