DD: Drill Down
The Drill Down API allows the developer to drill down to another Elliott application. The information provided in SCREEN-PARAMETERS will give the system the correct information to determine if the user has rights to the application requested.
The Version 7.5/8.x Parameters:
- PP = 2-digit package-id
- PRC = process name from menu system
- MN = menu number within process name
- pppppppp = program
- S = N means in a new, separate process
e.g.: DD,IM,INQ,03,IM0500,N
Screen-Menu contains the data passed to the called program...
Note: PRC,MN is used to verify access to the program.
The V9.0 Screen Parameters:
- PP = 2-digit package-id
- MM = menu number within process name
- SS = submenu number within process
- B = passed byte
- S = N means in a separate process
- pppppppp = program to use to verify rights
- DDDDDDDD = Optional program to run. If not provided, the "pppppppp" program will be run.
e.g.: DD,PO,01,00,P,N,PO0300 ,POORDINQ
Screen-Menu contains data passed to the called program.