CPR03MNT Customer Order Processing Customer User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance

CPR03MNT Customer Order Processing Customer User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance

Customer User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance

Application Overview


This file stores posted customer invoice history for the user-defined codes in 12-month buckets. Since this file is updated when COP invoices are posted to A/R, very little maintenance is required.  The List function in the maintenance program serves as a powerful tool for analytical purposes.



Run Instructions


Select Yearly Cust User-Def Code from the pull down COP Maintenance window.


The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the file maintenance menu bar:


    1.   Add: Primarily used to add history to a given year for a customer by code.


    2.   Change: Used to update blank period buckets, (add historical data), and adjust dollar and quantity amounts for a customer by code.


    3.   Delete: Used for deleting a year for a customer by code.


    4.   List: Reporting features with a wide range of selection criteria for reporting and analytical purposes.  The report layout format lists the Customer, Code, Year, Month, Sales Amount, Quantity, and Cost.



           *  Codes must be set up in the User-Defined Code file prior to performing any maintenance.



    Selection Criteria For Data To Be Reported



    Report Example for Cust. 100 for Code COOP