After posting invoices to Accounts Receivable which includes a line item which is non-stocked and controlled and has a product structure which contains Serial/Lot components, a record for each one of the Serial/Lot components will be created in the COP Serial/Lot Transaction file. Issue Serial/Lot Component Items is the application that will allow for the issue of these Serial/Lot components.
This application will ask you for a Serial/Lot number to be used for the issue. When the entry has been accepted, the record will be deleted from the COP Serial/Lot Transaction file and Serial/Lot records will be updated in the Inventory Lot/Serial Transaction file.
Select Issue Serial/Lot Component Items from the pull down COP Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
* Order No | 6 numeric digits (999999). This is the order number from which the Serial/Lot components are to be issued. Press theF1 key for the first order on file. |
* Parent Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. This is the item which was entered as the Customer Order line item. Display only. |
* Component Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. This is the Serial/Lot component which has to be assigned a Serial/Lot number and issued from the Inventory Lot/Serial Transaction file. Display only. |
* Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. This is the location the Serial/Lot component will be issued from. This is also the order location. Change is not allowed to this field. |
* Purchase Order No | 10 alphanumeric characters. This is the Purchase Order Number which was entered for the order. Change is not allowed to this field. |
* Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. This is the customer number from the order which requires the issuance of this Serial/Lot component. Display only. |
* Order Date | A date in the standard date format. This is the date the order was made. Display only. |
* Quantity | This is the quantity of Serial/Lot components that needs to be issued for this order. Display only. |
For Serial Components
Name | Type and Description |
1. Serial Number | 15 alphanumeric characters. This is the serial number of the component which needs to be issued from the Inventory Lot/Serial Transaction file. Press the F7 key to search by serial numbers. |
For Lot Components
Name | Type and Description |
1. Lot Number | 15 alphanumeric characters. This is the lot number of the component which needs to be issued from the Inventory Lot/Serial Transaction file. The entry of this field will be requested until the quantity is equal to 2000. Press the F7 key to search by lot numbers. |
2. Exp Month | 2 numeric characters. The entry of this field is required only if the quantity field is negative and the lot record does not exist in the Inventory Serial/Lot file. |
3. Exp Year | 2 numeric characters. Same as #2 field entry. |