CP1600 Customer Order Processing Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators

CP1600 Customer Order Processing Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators

Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators

Application Overview


The Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators enables you to clear accumulators from the Inventory Management and Accounts Receivable files. Normally, you would have to exit Customer Order Processing and enter each package separately.  This application allows you to do both without exiting Customer Order Processing.


Clear Item Accumulators


The Inventory Item file contains eight running totals (accumulators), which need to be cleared, from time to time, such as at the start of a new period or a new year, and this application performs that function. This procedure also updates the current period field in I/M Setup. 


If you use this application to clear the period‑to‑date accumulators then you may not use the Recalculate Reorder Fields application to do forecasting.


Clear A/R Accumulators


The Clear A/R Accumulators application enables you to clear accumulators for the Accounts Receivable files.


In the Customer record for each of your customers are four accumulator fields, which store the period‑to‑date (PTD) and year‑to‑date (YTD) sales, and cost of sales figures for that customer.  These fields are primarily used to produce the Sales Analysis Reports. Also a figure is kept that reflects the highest balance for the customer since the field was last cleared.


In the salesman record for each of your salesmen are six accumulator fields, which store the period‑to‑date (PTD) and year‑to‑date (YTD) sales, cost of sales, finance charge on sales, and commission figures for that salesman.  These fields are primarily used to produce the Sales Analysis by Salesman Report.


In the tax record are six accumulator fields, which store the period‑to‑date (PTD) and year‑to‑date (YTD) sales, miscellaneous charge on sales, and tax on sales figures for that tax code.


In order to keep these fields accurate for any given period, it is necessary to clear them at the end of each period.  Then the sales figures will begin to accumulate a new for the current period.  The same principle applies to the YTD fields.


This application allows you to clear either the PTD fields, the YTD fields or both for all of your customers, salesmen and tax codes.  Since the fields which you specify will be cleared by this program, you should be sure that you have run any Sales Analysis or Tax Code Reports that you will require before you clear them.


The Service File period to date and year to date fields will also be cleared from this application.


Run Instructions


Select Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators Entry Screen





 The following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators menu bar.
    • Enter the data requested on the screen.
    • Specify whether you want to clear the PTD fields, the YTD fields or both by answering Y to the appropriate questions.
    • Then, if you are sure you want to do this processing at this time, answer Y to Are You Sure You Want To Do This?
    • When the processing is complete, the program will return to the Clear I/M & A/R Accumulators menu.


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions


    Clear Item Accumulators



    Type and Description

    Clear Period‑To‑Date Fields?

    Y or N. 

    Enter Y to clear the accumulators for the period to date or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Year‑To‑Date Fields?    

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the accumulators for the year to date or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.


    Clear A/R Accumulators



    Type and Description

    Clear Customer Period-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear Customer Period-To-Date fields or N to

    decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Customer Year-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear Customer Year-To Date fields or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Customer Highest Balance Field?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Customer Highest Balance field, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N .

    Clear Salesman Period-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Salesman Period-To-Date field, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Salesman Year-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Salesman Year-To-Date field, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Tax Code Period-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Tax Code Period-To-Date field, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Tax Code Year-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Tax Code Year-To-Date field, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Service Period-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Service Period-To-Date fields, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.

    Clear Service Year-To-Date Fields?

    Y or N.

    Enter Y to clear the Service Year-To-Date fields, or N to decline.  This field defaults to N.





    Clear A/R Accumulators

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