CP0400M Customer Order Processing Order Inquiry

CP0400M Customer Order Processing Order Inquiry


Order Inquiry

Application Overview

This function gives you fast and easy access to all the necessary information to provide customer service for open or posted orders on file for a customer.  It allows you to quickly access and display a customer order using many different lookup options such as Customer P/O number and Ship-To number.  You can also view outstanding items ordered by a specific customer, as well as, customers that have ordered a particular item.


The Order Inquiry by PO is especially important for servicing chain store customers where a PO is typically placed for many stores.  Since Elliott requires a sales order for each unique ship-to (store or distribution center), inquiring by the Elliott sales order would limit the user from seeing the entire PO activity.  This feature resolves this problem by allowing you to see the entire PO and drill down by Sales Order (Store or DC) or by Item.  This inquiry function will show purchase orders that are outstanding and those that have been processed (shipped and invoiced).  The data can also be exported to a spreadsheet format based on your user definable setup in the export process.


Run Instructions


From the COP Inquiry Sub Menu select Order Inquiry and then Inquire.  For additional views see Global Setup Order Inquiry document.



Order Inquiry Entry Screen




Inquiry By Customer/Order  - Details




Bottom Menu Bar Options Available:

F1: See additional line items on order.

F2:  See order totals, (Sale amount, misc. charges, freight, and sales tax).

F3:  Position cursor on line item to view kit components, freight calculated, and order line item note.

F5:  Position cursor on line item to view serial/lot numbers if applicable.

F7:  If order has been posted or partially posted, you can view the A/R Open Items created by the postings.

F8:  If order has been posted or partially posted, you can view the Invoice History created by the postings.





Item By Order Inquiry Window

(Displays Item Ordered by Order No. – Open Orders Only)




Customer By Item Inquiry Window

(Displays Items Ordered By A Customer – Open Orders Only)



Item By Customer Inquiry Window

(Displays Item Ordered By Customers – Open Orders Only)




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