CP0300 Customer Order Processing Order Billing

CP0300 Customer Order Processing Order Billing

Order Billing

Application Overview


Order Billing is an application that will be used routinely.  Regardless of which billing procedure you implement you will at least print invoices.  The two billing procedures and other related concepts are explained below.


The user should be familiar with all the options and features available from the Global Setup chapters as they can enhance order processing, billings, and meet specific data entry and procedures required.

Billing, A Definition


In the context of Customer Order Processing, billing involves the selection of line items on an order to be printed on an invoice, the printing of the invoice and the posting of billing information to the appropriate Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management files.


Billing Serialized Or Lot Items


If you select Bill All Items, all line items will be selected except for the line items which have serial or lot items without a serial or lot number entered. To select a line item that does not have a serial or lot number, you must select Bill Certain Items and select all serial and lot items individually.  Each serial or lot item on the order must have its own serial or lot number in order to be billed.   

Two‑Step Billing Procedure


The two steps of this procedure are:


1. The customer's order is entered as a regular order (type O).


2. Specific line items on this order are selected to be billed on an invoice.


Note: Cash receipts may be entered for billed orders.


There are additional steps, of course, such as determining which items get billed and actually printing the invoice, but for our purposes here the important distinction between the one‑step and the two‑step billing procedures is made in the selection process.

One‑Step Billing Procedure


The single step for this procedure is:


1. The customer's order is entered as an invoice (type I) order with all items on the order being automatically selected.


All line items on an invoice type order are selected to be printed on the invoice form.  This method is convenient when the order is entered after the merchandise has been delivered or when you are confident that stocks will almost always be adequate to ship all items on the order. Like invoice type orders, credit memos are also automatically selected during entry.  Credit memos may not be reselected or altered within the billing application, however.  If changes are required, they must be made through Order Entry.


Selecting Regular Orders


The precise steps necessary for selecting orders are covered later in the Run Instructions.  In general, the selection process begins with the printing of picking tickets.  Only those line items whose request dates fall on or before the request date cut‑off will appear on the order's picking ticket.  As the items for the order are picked, the stock clerk will indicate on the picking ticket the quantity of each item that was actually shipped.  Once the order has been processed in the warehouse, the picking ticket (or a copy of it) will be sent up to the billing department so that an invoice can be prepared.  The billing clerk will review the picking ticket and determine if the quantity that was shipped for each item equals the quantity that was supposed to be shipped.  The clerk will then access the order for billing and select on it those line items that appear on the picking ticket, adjusting the quantities shipped to conform to what was actually shipped.


After the orders have been selected, invoices may be printed and the billing information posted to Accounts Receivable and Inventory Manage­ment.

Run Instructions


Select Order Billing from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed





The Auto-Billing menu option only applies if you have the Shipping Verification vertical package installed, otherwise the following options are available:

    • Select the desired mode from the Order Billing menu bar
    • Orders are selected for billing one at a time.  Enter the number of the order you wish to select for billing, or press the F1 key to display the next available unselected order.
    • Once the order is selected, changes may be made to fields on the order header as in the change mode of Order Entry.  After changing the desired fields you may select one of the following three options regarding the billing of the individual items on the selected order: Bill All Items, Bill Certain Items, and Bill All But Certain Items.
    • Select Bill All Items, which automatically bills all line items on the order, which appeared on the picking ticket.
    • Bill Certain Items will go to a second screen where line items to be billed are specifically selected by entering the item number.  You may choose to scan line items on the order one at a time by pressing the F1 key.  You may also display all line items on the order one page at a time by pressing the F6 key.  Each line item that is billed may also have its quantity to ship modified to reflect any last minute shipping changes or back order situations.
    • Items not specifically selected for billing are not billed with the order.  After the order is processed and the invoice printed, the original order remains on file, having line items remaining only for those items back ordered or not selected for billing previously.
    • Bill All But Certain Items (similar to Bill Certain Items above except that items not accessed are automatically selected for billing).  Accessing an individual line item allows the item to be billed or not and shipping quantities to be modified if billed.  If the operator answers N to Bill This Item? when the item is accessed, the item will not be selected for billing.
    • You will be asked to enter the request date from the picking ticket.  In order for this application to know which items from the original order were actually printed on the picking ticket it must have this date, which is printed on the top of the picking ticket.  See the Print Pick/Pack Tickets And Ship Labels application for detail on what this date is for.
    • After items have been selected for billing, you proceed to a third screen where the final billing information such as miscellaneous charges, freight charges, tax, commissions and comments may be entered.
    • The net amount of sales, net taxable sales, order total cost, weight of the items selected for billing ship via and terms display at the top of the screen.
    • Miscellaneous charges are entered and, if A/R Setup specifies that these charges are to be distributed, the miscella­neous charges account is entered.
    • Freight charges are entered and, if A/R Setup specifies that freight should be distributed, a freight account must be entered.
    • The sales tax amounts are calculated automatically based on the order taxable amount, order tax percent, miscellaneous charges, and freight, and is displayed for default but may be overridden.
    • Comments may be entered, which will print at the bottom of the invoice documents.  If left blank, a default comment may be entered during the printing of invoices, which will print for those orders not having specialized comments entered here.
    • At any time it is possible to reselect an order for billing.  Item quantities to ship modified in the previous billing selection do not revert to their previous values.  Previous line item selec­tions can be modified or cleared and entered from scratch optionally.
    • Orders incorrectly selected may be unselected (that is, removed from the list of orders selected for billing) by choosing option (U)nselect on the Order Billing menu bar.  The unselect module requests a specific order number, or allows you to pull up the next sequential order that has been previously selected by pressing the F1 key. It will then display the order header information and asks if you want to unselect that order.
    • (I) Invoice and (C) CR memo type orders are automatically selected and may not be unselected.
    • At any time you may print the Billing Edit List by selecting (L)ist on the Order Billing menu bar.  The Billing Edit List will print invoices, credit memos and the billed portions of selected orders as they will be printed as invoice forms for customer billing.
    • Once billing selection is finalized, invoices must be printed from the Print Invoices application to complete the action of customer billing.


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


    Entry Field Descriptions


    Order Billing



    Type and Description

    *  Order No

    6 numeric digits (999999).

    Enter the number of the order you wish to select (unselect).  Enter the F1 key to see the next unselected order (or selected order).

    1 ‑ 27.

    All subsequent fields in this screen are identical to those specified in Order Entry  change mode.

    If you are selecting orders: changes to the order type, customer number, discount percent on first screen and warehouse location are disallowed.  All other fields may be changed.

    Select Line Items



    Type and Description

    1.  Item No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter the item number of the line item you wish to select (or unselect if Bill All But Certain Items was chosen).

    Press the F1 key to find the next line item for the order in the same order as they are printed on the picking ticket.

    You may press F2 to enter a comment in the body of the invoice.  After you press F2 you will be allowed to type comments into the area in which the item's description would normally appear.  There are two lines of 30 characters each available for such comments on each line item. The comments entered will print on the picking ticket if you select to have them print.

    A common use for this feature is to explain substitutions and back orders on the previous or following line. Such comment lines may be accessed by means of the F6 key for the purpose of modification. 

    If you press the F6 key, the program will display all line items that have been entered thus far for this order.  You may then highlight one of the line items by using the up/down arrow keys.  Press the RETURN key to display the highlighted line item.  Press the F3 key to insert a comment before the highlighted line item.  Press the F7 key to search sequentially for line items on the order.  This can be especially useful on orders with large numbers of line items.

    From the line item entry screen, press the F7 key to search for the item by number or press the F8 key to search for the item by description.

    2.  Qty Ordered

    A standard quantity format.

    This field may not be altered in this program.  If a change of this field is required, use change mode of Order Entry.

    3.  Qty To Ship

    A standard quantity format.

    You may change the quantity of items to ship for this line item.

    4.  Unit Price

    10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus  sign (999,999.9999‑).

    The price per item as entered in Order Entry will display.  You may change it in this application if needed.

    Press the F3 key to enter a discounted unit price for the item.  You may then enter the unit price at which you wish to sell the item.  The application automatically calculates and displays the discount percent.  To accept the calculated percent, press RETURN.

    5.  Discount Pct

    5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).

    This field shows the discount percentage applied to the full price (unit price times quantity ordered) of this line item, as entered in Order Entry.  You may change it, if needed.

    Ext Price

    This is a display only field.  9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).

    It shows the full price minus any discounts.

    6.  Unit Cost

    10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).

    This field is your company's own cost for one item.  You may change it if needed.

    If you are using LIFO or FIFO costing method or if the Cost To Use When Posting flag in COP Setup is equal to actual cost, the item unit cost will be calculated when the invoice is posted.

    7.  Request Date

    A date in the standard date format.

    This is the date the customer requested the merchandise on this line item.

    8.  Promise Date

    A date in the standard date format.

    This is the date the merchandise on this line item was promised.



    The following entries will be requested if the item has Lot numbers:



    Type and Description

    Lot No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    This is the lot number of the items being sold and/or returned to stock. This must be a valid lot number.

    Press the F7 key to search for lot numbers.

    2.  Qty Ordered/Credited

    Same as Select Line Items.

    3.  Qty To Ship/Ret To Inv

    Same as Select Line Items.

    4.  Unit Price

    Same as Select Line Items.

    5.  Discount Pct

    Same as Select Line Items.

    6.  Unit Cost

    Same as Select Line Items.

    7.  Request Date

    Same as Select Line Items.

    8.  Promise Date

    Same as Select Line Items.




    The following entries will be requested if the item has Serial numbers:



    Type and Description

    2.  Qty Ordered/Credited

    Same as Select Line Items.

    3.  Qty To Ship/Ret To Inv

    Same as Select Line Items.

    4.  Unit Price

    Same as Select Line Items.

    5.  Discount Pct

    Same as Select Line Items.

    6.  Unit Cost

    Same as Select Line Items.

    7.  Request Date

    Same as Select Line Items.

    8.  Promise Date

    Same as Select Line Items.

    9.  Serial No

    15 alphanumeric characters.

    This is the serial number of the item being sold/returned‑to‑stock.

    Press the F7 key to search for serial numbers. The serial number does not have to be a valid serial number on file.  Serial numbers may be assigned to the item as it is sold.



    Billing Information



    Type and Description

    Ord Net

    This is a display only field.   (9,999,999.99‑).

    It is the sum of the extended prices of all selected items in this order.

    Taxable Net

    This is a display only field.  (9,999,999.99‑).

    It is the sum of the extended prices of all selected items in this order, which are taxable if the customer is taxable.


    This is a display only field.   (9,999,999.999‑).

    It is the total weight of all selected items in this order.

    Ord Cost

    This is a display only field.   (9,999,999.99‑).

    It is the sum of the costs of all selected items in this order.


    This is a display only field.

    This is how the order will be shipped.


    This is a display only field.

    This is the terms for this order.

    1.  Misc Charges

    7 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).

    This is the amount of any miscellaneous charges, such as special handling or packaging charges for which the customer is expected to pay.

    You may change this field if needed.

    Misc Acct

    An account in the standard account format.

    If the distribute miscellaneous charges flag is set to N in the A/R Setup, no entry will be required and the default account will be displayed automatically.  If the distribute miscellaneous charges flag is set to Y in the A/R Setup, you will be required to enter the miscellaneous charges account to which the charges will be posted.

    The entry or automatic display will default to the default miscellaneous charges account specified in the Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.

    If profit center usage is set to O in the COP Setup, the profit center and department (if applicable) entered on the first screen (field #27) will try to find a valid account using the information entered on the first screen and the main account entered in the ship via code.  If no valid match is found in the account file, this entry will default to the miscellaneous charges account specified in Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.

    Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search the account by number or pressing F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.

    2.  Freight

    7 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).

    This is the amount of any freight charges the customer is expected to pay.

    Freight Acct

    An account number in the standard account number format.

    If the distribute freight charges flag is set to N in the A/R Setup, no entry will be required and the default account will be displayed automatically.  If the distribute freight charges flag is set to Y in the A/R Setup, you will be required to enter the freight charges account to which the charges will be posted.

    Freight Acct (continued)

    The entry or automatic display will default to the default freight charges account specified in the Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.

    If profit center usage is set to O in the COP Setup, the profit center and department (if applicable) entered on the first screen (field #27) will try to find a valid account using the information entered on the first screen and the main account entered in the ship via code. If no valid match is found in the account file, this entry will default to the freight charges account specified in Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.

    Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search the account by number or pressing F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.

    3.  Sales Tax

    8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

    The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑1 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.

    The program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑1.

    4.  Sales Tax

    8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

    The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑2 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.

    If the order has a tax code‑2, the program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑2.

    5.  Sales Tax

    8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

    The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑3 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.

    If the order has a tax code‑3, the program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑3.

    Order Total

    This is a display only field. 

    It is the order net plus the miscel­laneous charges, freight and sales tax.

    6.  Comm Percent

    4 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (99.99‑).

    If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is not by item, the program will automatically calculate the order commission percent based upon the normal commission percents of each of the salespeople adjusted for the percent of the commission that each is getting.  You may accept this value or override it.

    7.  Comm Amount

    8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).

    If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is not by item, the program will automatically calculate the commission amount based upon the commission percent entered above and the order's net sale amount or the order's net margin amount. You may accept this default or override it.  If you change the commission amount the commission percent will change accordingly.

    If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is by item, the program will automatically display the commission amount calculated during order entry for all the items on the order.


    3 fields of 35 alphanumeric characters each.

    Enter the comments that you wish to appear on the customer's in­voice or leave these fields blank to have them be assigned default comments at the time invoices are printed.

    9.   AR Reference

    30 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter a brief description of the transaction or some comments about it. What you enter in this field is entirely up to you.

    The default reference consists of a brief description of the transaction type. For example, if the transaction is an invoice type and you press the RETURN key for the reference, the program will insert a default of:

    PO# 9999999‑99   OUR ORD# 999999

    10.  Amount Paid

    9 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (9,999,999.99).

    This and the following four fields will be entered only for invoice type orders. If the customer sent in payment with the order you may record the cash receipt here rather than in Accounts Receivable. Enter the amount of the payment or simply press RETURN to skip entry of the field. If there is no payment amount entered you will not be prompted to enter the remaining fields.

    11.  Disc Allowed

    8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999,999.99).

    Enter the discount allowed for the payment.

    12.  Check No

    6 numeric digits (999999).

    Enter the number of the customer's check. A non-zero check number is required, so if payment was made by some other means than a check will have to improvise a number (the date, for instance).

    13.  Check Date

    A date in the standard date format.

    Enter the check date for the invoice.

    Default to the system date.

    14.  Csh Act

    An Account in the standard account format.

    If there are multiple cash accounts specified in A/R Setup you must enter here the cash account to which the payment will be posted. The entry will default to the default cash account specified in A/R Setup.

    Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the account by description.







    Order Billing Select





    Order Billing (Select An Item)




    Order Billing (Enter Billing Information)






    Order Billing (Unselect An Order)




    Order Billing (Payment Information)




    The payment types entered will depend on the payment sources defined in Global Setup.  Refer to the System Manual for Global Setup information and how to set up credit card verification.



    Post Invoices To A/R

    Application Overview


    The Post Invoices To A/R application transfers all transactions that were previously created in Order Entry into the A/R Open Item File. In addition it sends this information to other A/R applications such as the Customer File Maintenance, and Salesman File Maintenance applications. This application also updates numerous files in COP and I/M.  Consequently the result of posting serves to automatically adjust the balance that a given customer owes your business. It also affects the cost of sales, and other related variables recorded in the customer and salesman files.  Before posting it is recommended to print the Pre-Post Edit list to verify which orders will be updated.  When you perform a posting, the system prints a journal of all transactions that were posted to the numerous files.


    Run Instructions


    Select Post Invoices To A/R from the pull down COP Processing window.   The following screen will then be displayed:




    Post Invoices To A/R Entry Screen




    The following options are available:

      • Pre-Post Edit list
      • Post


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu Bar.


      Entry Field Descriptions


      Pre-Post Edit List



      Type and Description

      Print Documents Thru

      A date in the standard date format 99/99/99.

      Enter the final date that you want to print.





      Type and Description

      Do You Want To Post At This Time ?

      Y or N.

      Enter Y to post or N to decline.

      Post Invoices Thru

      A date in the standard date format 99/99/99.

      This process runs automatically.





      Pre-Post Edit List





      Post Invoices To A/R



      Purge Posted Orders

      Application Overview


      The Purge Posted Invoices application removes previously posted Order Entry transactions. It ensures that the Order Entry transaction file will not become excessively large over a period of time.  This purge will affect the amount of information that is available for the Order Inquiry and Available To Promise  applications in the Inquiry pull down window.  Also, this application allows you to purge quote type orders.


      Run Instructions


      Select Purge Posted Orders from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



      Purge Posted Orders Entry Screen




       The following option is available:

        • Purge. This application runs automatically, and returns to the menu bar when the purge process is complete.



        To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


        Entry Field Descriptions



        Type and Description

        Do You Want To Purge At This Time ?

        Y or N.

        Default is N.

        Purge Posted Orders Thru

        Standard date format.

        Purge Quote Type Orders ?

        Y or N.

        Default is N.






        Purge Posted Orders (Screen #1)




        Purge Posted Orders (Screen # 2)





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