After installing Elliott V8.0, you need to make some configuration changes. If this is the first time you have started Elliott, the system will detect that the EL800.CFG file does not exist in your startup <root>\Bin directory (e.g., M:\Elliott7\Bin). Therefore, the ElliottV8.0 System Configuration utility will start up automatically. You can also use EL800CF.EXE in the Bin folder (<root>\Bin) to set up Elliott Configuration first.
The following form will be displayed:
Descriptions of the configuration entries follow:
This is to specify the default LPT port for the “Raw Data Pass Through” feature. You should leave it at “LPT1” unless you have a special reason to change it.
The Canadian version is different from the US version. Make sure you are using the right version for your country.
These email settings describe the primary way in which your installation will be sending email. These settings can be individually overridden by any user by using the Misc. tab in the Setup process on the Control Center Toolbar.
If you specify SMTP, you will have the following options in the SMTP Settings group:
Because no legitimate SMTP server can be an open relay server due to spamming issues, chances are that you will need to provide authentication information if your mail server is hosted outside of your company. If you have an internal SMTP server (like Exchange), you could skip the verification since you can restrict open relay for only certain IP addresses in your company.
Here you specify how your users, by default, will interact with the Notes, eContacts and Attributes lists. When you check an option here, whenever you click on the corresponding button in the legacy screen toolbar, the list of Notes, etc., will appear in a separate process, independent of the process you are on. This allows you to view multiple notes at the same time.
However, it takes longer to launch a separate process than to simply display the screen in the same process, and it takes more memory. If the majority of your users have workstations that are slow or have minimum memory, you should not check these options. Each user can override these system-wide defaults in the User Preferences screen.
Check any of these options to alter the appearance of printed reports in Elliott.
· Require DDFs to create non-work files: Checking this box will cause a message box to be displayed whenever any non-work file is created without a matching DDF definition. This alerts the user that a file has been created that may not be SQL compliant and ODBC compatible and may prevent you from using tools like Crystal Reports to access the file.
When such a message box is displayed, make note of the file name. If SQL compliance is desired for that file, you need to obtain a DDF for it and run DDF2BTR.Exe against that file to bring its SQL definition up-to-date.
· Use V7 DDFs for backward compatibility: If you are running Elliott V7, you should select this option. It will make sure that any newly-created non-work files will use V7 DDFs. V8 DDFs have some structural differences, including case-insensitivity on indexes and single-column account numbers, which could conflict with Crystal Reports programs that use V7 DDFs.
When you no longer are running Elliott V7, you need to unselect this option and run DDF2BTR.Exe on all your database files. That will make sure your database files match the V8 DDFs. You should also test and correct any external code (e.g., programs developed in Crustal Reports) -- there could be mismatched column names for account numbers.
There are a few additional configuration options that most users will not need. If you want to specify any of the following options, use a text editor to modify EL800.CFG in the <root>\Bin directory. In the [Configuration] section, you can add the following options:
The Email Settings you specified previously will be used as the system default email settings. However, at each individual desktop level, you may override the default Email Settings. To override the settings, go to Setup/Preference -> Misc. tab -> Email Settings button. See sample screen below.
Whenever you change the entries in this section, you can press the Test… button to verify your new settings.