The Compress General Ledger Transaction File application will consolidate General Ledger transactions according to the account's compression code in the G/L Account file for all transactions dated within the current fiscal year through a cut‑off date. It may be run after the financial statements for a given period have been obtained and no more detail is desired for each transaction.
Each transaction posted to G/L is retained on file. This may result in significant use of disk space but should not cause degradation in performance when running financial statements and other reports as long as they are processed within valid period ranges.
Five options are available:
a. If file space or slow performance is not a problem, all transactions may be left on file.
b. Transactions may be compressed by date. When date compression is used, all G/L entries are compressed to one transaction for each day for each account.
Account # - 05030 - XXXXX - XXXXX Wages
Date DR CR
9/3 10.00
9/5 10.00
9/6 345.80
9/6 22.44
9/6 182.40
9/6 92.90
9/29 252.08
9/29 165.00 .
1,057.22 32.44
After the transactions are compressed the file will contain:
Account # ‑ 05030‑XXXXX-XXXXX Wages
Date DR CR
9/3 10.00
9/5 10.00
9/6 598.66
9/29 417.12
c. Transactions may be compressed by period. When period compression is used, all entries in each G/L account are compressed to one transaction for each accounting period.
d. Transactions may be compressed by source within date. When this is used, all G/L entries with the same source and the same date are compressed into one transaction. The sources of the original transactions are retained.
e. Transactions may be compressed by source within period. When this is used, all entries in each G/L account with the same source and within one period are compressed to one transaction. The sources of the original transactions are retained.
The source field is changed to Comp for options b and c above. The reference is changed to Summary Net Change This Date for date compressed transactions and Summary Net Change This Period for period compressed transactions.
Most likely the total debits and total credits will now be different on the General Ledger Transaction file. The net change and ending balance should be the same for the periods compressed within the cut‑off date. Transactions that were compressed and whose totals counter‑balanced will have been deleted.
Select Compress General Ledger Trx File from the pull down G/L Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Compress General Ledger Trx File Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
Please Enter Period Cut‑Off Date | Enter a date in the standard date format. Pressing RETURN defaults to the current period ending date as defined in the Accounting Period file.
The date you enter must be the ending date of some period defined in the Accounting Period file. |
Compress General Ledger Trx File