Common Issues Raise Questions about QTYAVAILBYCOMP Stock Qty Avail

Common Issues Raise Questions about QTYAVAILBYCOMP Stock Qty Avail

Released Date: 10/01/20
Version: 8.5 & up

For those users who use the QTYAVAILBYCOMP attribute, they may frequently have questions on how the value of "Stock Qty Avail" in QTYAVAILBYCOMP is calculated.  See sample screen below:

Well, it is complicated. For a regular purchase item, the formula is as follows:
    Stock-Qty-Avail = Qty-OH - Qty-Alloc + Qty-BO
Where Qty-OH, Qty-Alloc and Qty-BO are accumulated values from all netable locations. As you can see, we added the Qty-BO, which means Stock-Qty-Avail which is the "short term" Qty available, as opposed to Qty-Avail which is the long-term quantity available with the formula (Qty-OH - Qty-Alloc).

For Kit and Manufacturing parent items, the Stock-Qty-Avail is the value that we can produce based on current inventory. Therefore, the value in QTYAVAILBYCOMP is not real time.  It will require calculation by using the utility in Global Setup -> Utilities -> I/M utilities -> Utilities -> Generate Statistic Info -> Generate -> Update Qty Avail. By Comp. Attribute. You can set up deferred processing to calculate this automatically multiple times a day.

However, even knowing this, users still may be confused sometimes when the Stock-Qty-Avail does not apparently match their understanding. Here are the common scenarios that have raised questions in the past:

1. Kit Parent Calculation Does Not Consider the Quantity Allocation
For a Kit Parent, the Qty-OH is always zero. We analyze the kit component's quantity (for all netable locations) to determine how many parents can be produced. The Kit-Component-Stock-Qty-Avail is calculated as
    Kit-Component-Stock-Qty-Avail = Qty-OH - Qty-Alloc + Qty-BO
Then we find the critical component to determine the maximum quantity that we can produced for the kit parent as:
    Kit-Parent-Stock-Qty-Avail = Critical-Kit-Comp-Stock-Qty-Avail + Qty-BO
As you can see in this formula, we do not include kit parent's Qty-Alloc so it seems to be inconsistent and this often confuses users. The reason for this is because because of Elliott has different rules in updating kit component's Qty-Alloc vs. Qty-BO. 

a. When a sales order is taken for a kit parent, if it is back order, then both the parent and components' Qty-Alloc will be increased.
b. But on the other hand, if the kit parent is back order, then only the parent Qty-BO is increased, not the component.

Therefore, when we calculate the Critical-Kit-Comp-Stock-Qty-Avail, the component's Qty-Alloc are already part of the formula. If we should include the parent's Qty-Alloc, then we would double count the effect of Qty-Alloc.  

2. BOMP Scheduled Production Is Part of the Calculation
The system assumes production time is short. Therefore, any manufacturing item's Stock Qty Avail includes the outstanding BOMP work orders.

3. Stock Analysis Pending Batch Is Part of the Calculation
Stock analysis can indicate action involving back orders, creating work orders, closing line items...etc. These actions will not actually take place until the batch is posted.

Because the stock analysis batch is usually posted at the same of day as it is created, we consider the pending actions as stock analysis that will affect the Stock-Qty-Avail. 

For example, if you tell the system to "Back Order" a particular order line item, even though the batch is not posted yet, the system will consider the pending action as an update of the Qty-BO and include that as part of the formula.

In another example, if you tell the system to "Create Work Order" for a particular order line item, even though the work order has not been created yet (because the batch is not posted), the system will consider it as if the work order is already created.

The best way to verify if that this is the case is to print a stock analysis edit list for the batch that's still open.