Change - Update Both Kit Parent and Components Usage

Change - Update Both Kit Parent and Components Usage

'Release Date: 5/17/2016

Issue with Update Kit Parent Item Usage
Before the Elliott 7.56.602 or 8.06.602 release, when a kit was posted in COP sales journal, it was possible the usage of the parent item was not updated. This behavior was based on the flag in Global Setup -> COP-Func -> Post Invoice to A/R:

             4. Post Sales By Kit Component ?
  • If this flag is set to "N," then both the parent and component usage will be updated.  This includes the usage PTD and YTD in item master, as well as the monthly usage by location in the IMLOCHST (Item Location History) table.
  • If this flag is set to "Y," then only the component usage will be updated.  
The original intention of this Global Setup flag was to determine whether the sales should be updated to the parent or components. Since Elliott does not want to cause confusion by updating sales for both parent and components and thus "double" the sales, we use this flag to determine whether the sales should be reflected on the parent or components.

In the process of implementing this post kit by parent or component logic, we applied the same principle to the usage.  This is a mistake because some of our users express that it is desirable to see the kit parent usage.  Now with this flag set to "Y," they can't see that anymore.

In the Elliott 7.56.602 or 8.06.602 release, we have relaxed the update of usage and allow it to “double,” As a result, you will have usage on both the parent and components regardless of what value you set for this Global Setup flag.  On the other hand, as for the sales, it is still either on the parent or components depending on how this flag is set, so the sales won't be "doubled."

Issue with Generate Location History Usage for Non-Stock Items
Another issue is related to the following utility in I/M -> Util-Setup -> Generate Location History -> Generate Location History Usage Information. In the past, this utility generated IMLOCHST (Item Location History) 12-months usage based on the IMINVTRX (I/M Inventory Transaction Audit Trail) table.  This is fine as long as the item is a stocked item.  Non-stock items are not recorded in the IMINVTRX table. This makes sense because Non-Stock item quantity on hand is always equal to zero and there's no point of storing an auditing record in the IMINVTRX table for those items.  However, because of this, when you run this utility, it will cause the Non-Stock item usage to become zero.  This is not desirable.

In the Elliott 7.56.602 or 8.06.602 release, we changed this utility so that it handles Non-Stock items as follows:
  • If it is Non-Stock Kit or Feature option item, we will calculate its usage bases on the Invoice History database.
  • If it is some other Non-Stock item, we do not re-calculate the usage in the IMLOCHST table and keep its original value.
Modified Programs: CP0305, IMGENUHP

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