Q - Can the General Journal ledger be imported from a spreadsheet into the General Ledger as opposed to manually entering it?A - Yes. You can go to General Ledger -> Processing -> Interface from Other Package -> CSV Import. See sample screen below.
The CSV file consists of 6 columns:
- Account #
- Trx Date
- Trx Source
- Amount
- Reference
- Interface Flag
Account#: This is the GL Account. Enter the value like you normally would -- such as 1100 if you have do not have a profit center or department segment. If you have profit center, the account would be something like 1100-001. If you have both a profit center and a department segment, then the account would be something like 1100-001-01.
Trx Date: This would be a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format, such as 12/12/2015 for December 12, 2015.
Trx Source: This is the 10-digit Journal Source, such as a batch ID for cross-referencing purposes. The source is displayed extensively in General Ledger inquiry screens and printing reports. You can use GL -> Reports -> Source Cross Reference Report to retrieve information by source.
Amount: This is the amount of the transaction. Enter a positive amount -- something like 123.52 for debit amount -- or a negative number like -100 for a credit amount. Including a comma or decimal in your amount is optional.
Reference: This is a 30-digit reference information field in the free-form format for notation purposes.
Interface Flag: This column is typically not used. It is for multiple company GL consolidation purposes. You can just leave it blank.
Prepare/Edit Journal Ledger in Spreadsheet Default File Format
Even though Elliott can't import from XLS or XLSX files directly, we still suggest that you prepare and edit your GL Journal Ledger spreadsheet in the XLS or XLSX format. When you are ready to import the journal to Elliott, do a "save as" to a CSV file. Then import that CSV file to Elliott.
Pre-Interface vs. Interface
Before you interface the CSV to Elliott, we suggest that you use the "Pre-Interface" option first. "Pre-Interface" will check to see if your data has any errors. The following is a list of errors or warnings that the system will check for:
- Invalid Data - like Invalid GL Account, Date, Amount, etc.
- Trx Date outside of cutoff range, as specified during the import
- Size Error - like Trx Source exceeds the maximum 10 digits, trx amount exceeds maximum 2-digit decimal precision, the reference field exceeds 30 digits...etc.
If there's no error in the CSV File, then you can proceed to the "Interface" option. Upon successful interface, the CSV File will be deleted.
This G/L CSV "Interface" options is a two-step process. Once you successfully import the General Journal CSV file, it is added to the General Journal Trx. You will need to post the General Journal Trx before it becomes your General Ledger.