Release Date: 8/21/2018
Q - Is there a system of alerts in Elliot? We need a way to alert Billing that a certain customer order has had its shipping date updated.
A - If we understand your intention correctly, you would like someone to get notification when the order header’s ship date field is changed. In our system, there’s an event for doing something just like that. You can subscribe to it by going to Customer File Inquiry and bringing up any customer, clicking on the event toolbar button, and choosing to "Add" an event. You will see the following event:
- Program: CP0101
- Type: CHGORDC2 (or CHGORDS2 - by salesman)
- Detail: ARCUSFIL
- Description: Chg Ord By Cust(Terms & ShpDt)
See sample screen below:
If you subscribe to this event, you will see it supporting the following variables:
- Customer No
- Order No
- Salesman
- Bill-To Name
- Ship-To Name
- Change Fields - can have value of T, S or ST
- Old Terms Code
- New Terms Code
- Old Ship Date
- New Ship Date
See sample screen below:
This event will be triggered when either the order header's terms code or ship date is changed. In that case, the "Change Fields" can have the value of:
S = Ship Date is changed
T = Terms Code is changed
ST = Both Ship Date and Terms Code has been changed
If you are only interested in being alerted when the ship date is changed, then you can specify the filter condition where "Change Fields" EQ "S ST." See sample screen above.
If you have not used this event in the past, then to set up the event itself is a big subject. Also it might be better if you upgrade to Elliott 8.x or after because the support of SMTP email will make it easier to get the event to work. To understand and establish the infrastructure of this event is not a small task. But the benefits are enormous once you get it done. We suggest that you call our support team and go from there.