After production has started and before work orders are closed, the WIP Account may contain an amount. This WIP Report will print all unfinished work orders and their WIP amount.
The summary format prints one line per work order and the detail format prints the WIP amount at the operation level for each work order. You can print the outside WIP amount, the inside WIP amount or both.
Parts sent outside the company for processing will distribute to the outside WIP amount. This report can separate outside and inside WIP amounts. The system calculates outside pieces based on unfinished productions with outside process operations. Unfinished productions have been started, but not yet reported. They are also called Open Productions in WO+.
The WIP Report supports both Legacy Work Orders and Plus Work Orders. Material Work Orders are excluded because they have no WIP.
Printing a legacy work order in detail format will list all components of a selected work order. The component WIP amount total may vary from the actual WIP amount of the order since the WIP amount of a component is based on current unit cost. The unit cost can vary from when the WIP amount occurs. This can happen if Average or Last Cost is used as the Inventory Cost Method, or if Standard Cost is used and the standard cost of the component is changed.
Main Menu > Distribution > Bill of Material Processor > Reports > Work in Process Report > Print > WIP Report
WIP Detail Report Entry Screen
Name | Type and Description |
Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the location of work orders to print on the report. The field supports a wildcard format. Defaults to All. |
Order Type | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: Space - All O - Legacy Work Order only P - Plus Work Order only Enter the type of work order to print on the report. Defaults to All. |
Starting Order No | 6 numeric digits. Enter the starting order number of a range of orders to print on the report. Defaults to All. |
Ending Order No | 6 numeric digits Enter the ending order number of a range of orders to print on the report. Defaults to the starting order number. |
Starting Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters Enter the starting item number of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by description. Defaults to All. |
Ending Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item number of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by description. Defaults to the starting item number. |
Starting Prod Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting product category of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for a product category. Defaults to All. |
Ending Prod Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending production category of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for a product category. Defaults to the starting product category. |
Print Format | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: D - Detail format. Includes routing and components. S - Summary format. One order per line. Enter the format you want to print for the report. Defaults to S. |
Print Currently Outside or Inside | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: B - Both Outside and Inside WIP. S - Print Outside and Inside WIP separately. Only available if Print Format is S. O - Outside WIP only. I - Inside WIP only. Enter the WIP amount type to print. Defaults to B. |
WIP Detail Report Entry Screen
WIP Detail Report
The WIP Variance Report prints out the WIP Variance Amount, Standard Cost Variance Amount and Scrap Amount for each production transaction. The transactions are posted through the Post Production Transactions program to create these variance amounts.
During the production, Work-In-Process amounts may accumulate due to material, labor, burden or outside process costs put into a work order. Once the work order is complete, the WIP amount becomes the production cost of the parent item. The system will create G/L distributions for both the WIP Account and the Finished Goods Account. If the system is unable to distribute the amount left in the WIP Account to the Finished Goods Account, WIP Variance amount occurs. These situations occur when:
Only Legacy and Plus Work Orders can have a WIP Variance Amount.
Standard Cost Variance amount may be present if Standard Cost is used as the Inventory Cost Method. Legacy, Material and Plus Work Orders will have this amount when the production cost differs from the standard cost.
Scrap amount will be present only for Plus Work Orders. This feature needs to be set by changing BOMP Global Setup field 44, Report Scrap to a Separate Account, to “Y” and set a valid scrap account in field 45, WO+ Scrap Account. Any piece scrapped during production will have the production cost distribute to the Scrap Account. The system only calculates a scrap amount when posting a transaction for the last operation, therefore you will only find a scrap amount in the Y Count Point transaction.
If a production transaction creates G/L distribution records for any variance account, the amount will be stored in transaction history and will be printed on this report if selected. The report can select transaction history records by a range of transaction dates, locations, order numbers, parent item numbers and product categories.
Main Menu > Distribution > Bill of Material Processor > Reports > Work in Process Report > Print > WIP Variance Report
WIP Variance Report Entry Screen
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Trx Date | A standard date format. Enter the starting date of a range of transactions to print. Defaults to All. |
Ending Trx Date | A standard date format. Enter the ending date of a range of transactions to print. Defaults to the starting date. |
Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the location of work orders to print on the report. The field supports a wildcard format. Defaults to All. |
Starting Order No | 6 numeric digits. Enter the starting order number of a range of orders to print on the report. Defaults to All. |
Ending Order No | 6 numeric digits Enter the ending order number of a range of orders to print on the report. Defaults to the starting order number. |
Starting Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters Enter the starting item number of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by description. Defaults to All. |
Ending Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item number of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by description. Defaults to the starting item number. |
Starting Prod Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting product category of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for a product category. Defaults to All. |
Ending Prod Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending production category of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for a product category. Defaults to the starting product category. |
WIP Variance Report Entry Screen
WIP Variance Report