BMRTGMNU Bill of Material Production Routing

BMRTGMNU Bill of Material Production Routing

Production Routing


Run Instructions


Select Production Routing File from the pull down BOMP Maintenance window.  The following screen will be displayed:



Routing Maintenance Screen


Production Routing describes how each parent item is manufactured, step by step.  Each manufactured item can have multiple routings and one can be the default routing.  Each routing has one or more operations (or steps) and each operation can represent one step in the manufacturing process.  In the figure above, production of DRIVE-SHAFT takes 6 steps: Material Preparation, Assembly, Welding, Balancing, Outside Processing for painting, and Packaging.  Each step defines one operation in the routing file.


Under the Production Routing Maintenance menu, three functions can be found, Maintenance, List and Import. The Maintenance function will bring up the maintenance screen shown above.  The List function will print out selected routings and can be used to export routings to a CSV file.  The Import function imports operations from a CSV file.


Enter an Item Number and Routing Number in the Maintenance screen and the system will list all the operations for this routing.  The cost information will appear to the right of each operation and below that displays a summary of cost information.  Display of the cost information is subject to several security flags.  They may need to be turned on for managers and turned off for others.


Several functions can be found on this screen:

  • To create a routing, simply enter a new routing number.
  • A routing can be copied from another manufactured item if it shares the same routing structure.  The system will provide this option through the F5 key if the current routing is empty.
  • Press the F3 Key to remove the routing.
  • Use the F2 Key to change Routing Header Description.
  • The Insert Key can be used to add an operation.  The Delete Key can be used to remove an operation.  Press the Enter Key to change the operation detail.
  • Use the F4 Key to change the operation number.
  • Press the F1 Key to view material in each operation.  This is based on the BOMP Global Setup.
  • If this routing is not the default routing of the item, the user can set it through the F5 Key.


 Operation Detail Screen


The figure above shows the detail information of an operation when an operator is adding or changing it.  Most of the fields are the same as those in Operation ID.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

Operation Number

4 numeric digits 1 through 8999.

Operation Number of one production step.  This should be a number from 1 to 8999. Workers in the production department should work on routing operations in sequence by the operation number.

Operation ID

4 alpha-numeric characters.

This should be a valid Operation ID or blank.  If the Operation ID is given in add mode, the rest of the fields default to values in that Operation ID.  In change mode, the system will ask the operator if the new Operation ID should override the rest of the fields with values from that ID.

Operation Type

1 alpha-numeric character.

Type of this operation.


S      - Setup or Miscellaneous Operation.  For machine setup or to gather miscellaneous labor.  This type of operation can be skipped if it is not a material issue point.

I       - Inspection Operation.

P      - Production Operation.

M     - Moving Operation.

O      - Outside Process.  This type of operation has outside process information like vendor number and FOB cost.

Defaults to “P” or the value in the Operation ID file.


Two fields of 30 alpha-numeric characters.

Each operation can have 2 description lines.

Work Center

6 alpha-numeric characters.

The work center is where this operation takes place.  Production burden cost will be calculated based on the burden parameters in this work center.

Direct Labor Grade

2 alpha-numeric characters
Default direct labor grade of this operation.  This will be used as a standard for evaluation variance.  Also, if an operator creates a production transaction through Production Transaction Processing, this will be used to calculate labor cost by default.

Defaults to the value in the work center file.

Shared Labor Grade

2 alpha-numeric characters
Default shared labor grade of this operation.  This will be used as a standard for evaluation variance.  Also, if an operator creates a production transaction through Production Transaction Processing, this will be used to calculate labor cost by default.

Defaults to the value in the work center file.

Qty Per Batch

6 numeric digits.

Number of pieces which will be processed in one batch.  For example, if this is 10 (qty per batch), then it will place 15 pieces into 2 batches.  If each batch takes 2 hours, the system would estimate it needs 4 hours to process 15 pieces.

0       - no batch or 1 piece per batch.


“S” or “E”

Whether all values for this operation are estimated or standard value.  If they are standard values, a variance between standard value and actual value may exist and will be presented on various screens and reports.  Otherwise, the variance is not applicable by default.

Default to “E”

Direct Labor

In “Hr/Qty” or “Hr/Batch” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Qty/Hr” or “Batch/Hr” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 3 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Fixed Hrs” measurement, 12 numeric digits with 6 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

The number of direct labor hours to process each piece or batch.  The measurement can be Hours per Qty/Batch, Qty/Batch per Hours or a fixed hour. This value will be used for performance evaluation.

F1­     - toggle to Hours per Qty/Batch.

F2­     - toggle to Qty/Batch per Hour.

F3­     - toggle to Fixed Hours.

Shared Labor

In “Hr/Qty” or “Hr/Batch” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Qty/Hr” or “Batch/Hr” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 3 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Fixed Hrs” measurement, 12 numeric digits with 6 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

The number of shared labor hours to process each piece or batch.  The measurement can be Hours per Qty/Batch, Qty/Batch per Hours or a fixed hour. This value will be used for performance evaluation.

F1­     - toggle to Hours per Qty/Batch.

F2­     - toggle to Qty/Batch per Hour.

F3­     - toggle to Fixed Hours.

Machine Time

In “Hr/Qty” or “Hr/Batch” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Qty/Hr” or “Batch/Hr” measurement, 10 numeric digits with 3 decimal places and an optional minus sign.  In “Fixed Hrs” measurement, 12 numeric digits with 6 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

The number of machine hours to process each piece or batch.  The measurement can be Hours per Qty/Batch, Qty/Batch per Hours or a fixed hour.  This value will be used for performance evaluation.

F1­     - toggle to Hours per Qty/Batch.

F2­     - toggle to Qty/Batch per Hour.

F3­     - toggle to Fixed Hours.

Machine Operation

“R” or “S”

The mode in which the machine is running for this operation.

“R”   - Run Mode.  If the machine is in run mode, the system will use Normal Burden in the work center to calculate burden.

“S”   - Setup Mode.  The system will use Burden in Setup Mode in the work center to calculate burden.

Machine No

4 alpha-numeric characters.

Machine number used for this operation.  There is no limitation on the text.

User Defined Code

15 alpha-numeric characters.

User Defined Code for this operation.  The literal for this field is defined in BOMP Global Setup.  In figure 17, it is set to “Drawing Number”.

Prompt Pre Comment

“Y” or “N”

Whether the operator needs to enter a comment when starting the operation.

Prompt Post Comment

“Y” or “N”

Whether the operator needs to enter a comment when ending the operation

Outside Process Extra Fields

If operation type is “O” for outside process, the operator needs to enter extra outside process related fields including Purchase Order Number, Purchase Order Line, Vendor Number and cost information.


If the Purchase Order package is on, the standard PO format will be used.  If the PO package is off, 10 alpha-numeric characters.

The Purchase Order number of the outside process.  This can be blank.  If the PO package is on, this should be an existing PO.  It can be a Blanket PO.

PO Line No

3 numeric digits.

Purchase Order Line Item number of this outside process.  This field is available if the PO number is given.  If the PO package is on, the item number for this line item should not exist in the Item file.

Vendor Number

6 alpha-numeric characters.

The Vendor number of this outside process.  This field is available to change if the PO number is not given or the PO package is off.  Otherwise, it should be the same as that in the purchase order.

FOB Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

Free On Board or Freight On Board cost per piece for the outside process.  This is a standard value for the operation.  If the operator entered an existing PO, the system may override this value with that in the PO Line Item with the appropriate BOMP Global Setup.

Extra Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

Extra cost per piece for outside process, like tax or extra burden.  The system always uses the value defined in the operation to calculate the outside process cost.

Fixed Cost

9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

Fixed cost per transaction for an outside process.  The cost is the same no matter how many pieces are sent for an outside process.


Work Order Plus provides a feature to update all uncompleted work orders when a value in a Production Routing is changed.  This can be turned on by changing field 49, Mass Change Routing thru Product Routing Mnt, in BOMP Global Setup to “Y” or “A”.  When values are changed in an operation the system will ask if the operator wants to update all orders.


In addition to maintaining production routings one by one, operators can export all routings to a CSV file, edit the export file and import them back into the system.


If you have routings in the Standard Product Routing module, Elliott provides a tool to export all routings to a WO+ compatible CSV file (Main Menu > Manufacturing > Standard Product Routing > Processing > Routing Entry > Export).  You can import them through Routing Import in BOMP.  Standard Product Routing allowed a pointer to be created in an operation that pointed to a general routing.  Since BOMP does not support pointers, the export process will create an operation entry for each operation in the general routing when a pointer is encountered.  Also, the system will not export any Tool or Note entries.


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