When most people receive a new product, they want to use it right away. Unfortunately, this is not quite possible when dealing with computer hardware and software. This manual is intended to serve as a reference guide in describing the functionality and the application of the Bill Of Material Processor package.
The first few sections of this manual are intended to introduce you to the Bill Of Material Processor (BOMP) system so you can get started quickly. The latter sections are for reference when you have specific questions about each of the Bill Of Material Processor applications. These applications are described later in this section under BOMP Menu Bar Selections and Definitions.
We suggest you first read the System Manager manual. The Package Overview section of this manual gives an overview of the Bill Of Material Processor package. The General Operator Instructions in the System Manager manual explain how to enter and edit data and the use of special keys on the keyboard. The Startup section gives step‑by‑step instructions on how to load the programs, create the data files, and enter the initial data. The Processing Procedures section gives direction in daily, period, and year ending procedures.
Scan each of the BOMP sections to understand how each of the BOMP applications work. A very basic description of each of these applications is also contained under the heading BOMP Menu Bar Selections and Definitions that is part of this Package Overview. Sample screens and reports are included under each of the appropriate BOMP applications. These are a guide to show you the type of screens and reports that may be obtained from the system.
Bill Of Material Processor (BOMP) is the key application package to the pure manufacturing function of the Elliott manufacturing system. BOMP has been greatly enhanced to replace the functions in Elliott's manufacturing system, Shop Floor Control (SFC), Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Master Scheduling (M/S), and Standard Product Costing (SPC).
The only prerequisite package for BOMP is Inventory Management (I/M).
Here is a brief statement on the scope and basic functions of BOMP:
The cleanest way to view the manufacturing industry is probably by using Oliver Wight's breakdown (Production and Inventory Management in the Computer Age ‑ CBI Publishing Co.), namely as four subsets of manufacturing companies:
1) One‑Piece Product ‑ make to order
2) One‑Piece Product ‑ make to stock
3) Assembled Product ‑ make to order
4) Assembled Product ‑ make to stock
After each subset is understood, realize that the majority of manufacturing firms are a mix of the above. All manufacturers have bills of material (product structures) to define what materials (components) are required in what quantities to manufacture end‑items (finished goods). There are no exceptions.
A job shop with a one‑piece product (e.g., a forging shop that hammers out rough tractor treads, rough camshafts, etc.) may not have a real need for the capability to constantly access a computerized bill of material. However, even here if better controls are desired for costing (via standard costing) or time‑phased material requirements (via MRP), the bills must be maintained on the computer. BOMP creates and maintains bills of material on‑line. Bills of material are stored in the Product Structure File. This allows each user to access the same bill as any other user because the bills are all centrally located; i.e., engineering is making changes to the same bill as manufacturing is building to, purchasing is buying from, and cost accounting is costing from.
The BOMP Product Structure File is very complex and it is the key hub to your operation. It is important that the Product Structure File be as accurate as possible before implementing any of the manufacturing functions.
Each Product Structure record shows a relationship between two items. One item is called the parent item and the other the component item. A parent is an assembly (finished good), sub‑assembly or any other name for a created/fabricated/produced/manufactured product. A parent item is always made up of one or more (usually more) component items, or parts. Your basic components are raw materials and/or purchased parts. To most manufacturing firms, components are those materials that their manufacturing process starts with; to a generator job shop, an engine is a component; to an engine manufacturer, a rough piston casting is a component; to a foundry, steel bar stock is a component, etc.
Besides indicating the parent‑component relationship, BOMP maintains other data in the Product Structure File, of which some key fields are: Quantity‑Per, i.e., how many of the component it takes to make one parent; attaching operating, i.e., the operation in the manufacturing process where the component is actually needed to assemble this parent, and of course sequence number, which is provided so the user can specify component sequence when listing or displaying the structure.
Each Product Structure record knows whom the parent is and if there are other components (other Product Structure records) for this same parent. Part of the complexity here is that another file, the Item File, is needed to complete the scenario, which is why I/M is a prerequisite for BOMP.
The Item File contains the master data for all items (components and parents) e.g., description, unit of measure, on‑hand, etc. An item can be a component in one product structure and at the same time a parent in another. Additionally, an item can be a component at level 1 of one product structure and at the same time a component at level 3 of that same product structure and/or another structure. BOMP keeps all this straight, so you will not be allowed to get into trouble by doing such things as adding a component to itself or deleting an item from the system that still is used in some other structure. By keeping all this straight, BOMP provides some very useful functions to other Elliott packages. (See Additional Features and Interfaces).
There are many functions, which can be performed by this BOMP package.
Product Structure File
Allows entry of the basic information about every product structure. This is where you define what the parent item is and what components are needed for the parent item.
Feature/Option Configuration File
Allows the user to create feature item structures with multiple options for each. This allows end items to be customized to customer specifications.
Job Code File
Allows the user to specify valid job numbers.
Labor Grade File
Allows the user to specify labor grades for work orders.
Department File
Allows maintenance of departments used in work orders.
Work Center File
Allows maintenance of work centers used in work orders.
Operation ID File
Allows maintenance of operation IDs used in work orders.
Production Routing File
Allows maintenance of production routings used in work orders. An import function will allow you to import from a CSV file.
Special Operation File
Allows maintenance of special operations used in work orders.
Cost Master File
Allows maintenance of costs of product structures. There are several functions to calculate and manipulate the cost. Various reports are available.
Single Level Bill Of Material Inquiry
Shows the components of a parent one level down.
Indented Bill Of Material Inquiry
Displays all components of a parent, by level, on all lower levels.
Single Level Where-Used Inquiry
Displays all parents within one level of a component.
Feature/Option Configuration Inquiry
Allows a view of various option configurations for feature items.
Item File Inquiry
Allows a view of information from the Inventory Item File without being able to change it. Also, notes associated with each inventory item may be viewed.
Work Order Inquiry
Allows a view of information from the Inventory Item File without being able to change it. Also, notes associated with each inventory item may be viewed.
Stock Status Inquiry
This is the standard stock status inquiry from the Inventory Management module.
Operator Inquiry
Displays information about operators, including time clock entries.
Production Order Entry
Allows entry of production orders, specifying the location, quantity, price, and due date for the item being produced. Production orders include legacy work orders, material work orders, plus work orders and base work orders.
Production Transaction Processing
Allows you to report progress toward completion of a production order as of a specified date. There are three options for processing, legacy work orders, material work orders and plus work orders.
Engineering Change Processing
Allows you to make changes to product structures and then wait until the appropriate date before implementing the changes through the Post Engineering Changes application.
Post Production Transactions
Allows you to update inventory levels, based on Production Transactions through a specified date. There is a separate post function for legacy work orders, material work orders and plus work orders.
Post Engineering Changes
Allows you to implement designated engineering changes through a specified date.
Copy COP Orders Into BOMP
Allows you to copy customer orders for feature items or regular manufactured items from COP directly into the BOMP Production Order File.
Issue Serial/Lot Component Items
Allows you to issue serial/lot items required to produce parent items.
Purge Complete Production Orders
Allows you to remove completed production orders from the Order File.
Reset Low Level Codes
Allows you to automatically reset the lowest level of an inventory item compared to the product structures.
Set Component Activity Flags
Allows you to automatically update the activity status of specified component items in a product structure.
Resequence Component Items
Allows you to resequence the components of a product structure.
Print Costed Bill Of Material
If you are using Average, Standard, or Last costing method (as defined in I/M Setup), this application will calculate the new cost for the parent by totaling the cost of all valid components required for the parent. If you are using LIFO/FIFO costing, you may use the Average, Standard, or Last cost to calculate the new parent cost.
Print Picking List By Bill
This will print a Picking List. It will show the number of components to be picked for the number of parent items requested.
Print Production Work Orders
Allows you to print production orders entered through Production Order Entry. There is a separate function for legacy work orders, material work orders and plus work orders.
Resequence Feature/Option Items
Allows you to resequence the components of feature and option items.
Work Order Production
Allows production to be reported for a work order.
Work Center Time Clock
Allows time clock entries to be made and maintained for a work center.
Work Center Operation
Allows production to be reported for a work center.
Department Time Clock
Allows time clock entries to be made and maintained for a department.
Department Operation
Allows production to be reported for a department.
Production Schedule Report
Prints a schedule of work orders to be completed or a work center rough cut report.
Single Level Bill Of Material Report
Prints a report of the components of a parent one level down.
Indented Bill Of Material Report
Prints a report of all components of a parent, by level, on all lower levels.
Single Level Where-Used Report
Prints a report that shows all parents of a component one level up by item or by order.
End Item Where-Used Report
Prints a report that displays all parents for a selected range of component items by end item code.
Option Item Where-Used Report
Prints a report that displays all feature items for a selected range of option items.
Summarized Bill Of Material Report
Reports on all components of a parent summarized by item for all lower levels.
Gross Requirements Report
Prints a report on a selected number of levels of components for a selected quantity of a parent item, summarizing for each component, the total quantity required at all levels. Summarizes requirements for multiple parent items and quantity combinations.
Job Distribution History Report
Prints a record of work order distributions to accounts by job number.
Engineering Change History Report
Prints a list of engineering changes posted to specified product structures.
Production Transaction History Report
Prints a report of production transactions for legacy work orders, material work orders or plus work orders.
Audit Trail Report
Shows the additions, changes and deletions to the Product Structure File.
Work Order Report
Prints a detail report for legacy work orders, material work orders or plus work orders.
Work In Process Report
A WIP report or WIP variance report can be printed.
B/M Distribution Report
This is a standard distribution report for Bill Of Materials.
Production Analysis Reports
These are reports that can assist with evaluating productions and include Labor Performance, Production Hours Variance, Production Cost Variance and Exception.
BOMP Setup
Allows you to tailor the Bill Of Material Processor package to fit your needs. The information in this file tracks production and engineering order sequencing, as well as assigning capabilities to allow changes to order costs and item prices. Serial/Lot batch processing and work in process (WIP) accounts are also maintained from BOMP Setup.
Print Spooled Reports
This will allow you to display to the screen or to print all reports that were sent to the hard disk drive from BOMP applications.
Add a new component to product structure.
Set up an item with a feature/option configuration.
Change the data, which refers to the relationship between a component and its parent.
Inquire on a Product Structure record.
Enter production work orders.
Print a production work order.
Report production for work orders.
Delete a component from a product structure (Note: this does not mean that it will be deleted from the I/M Item File).
Replace an obsolete item with a replacement item in all places where the obsolete item appears as a component.
Record an engineering change that can be posted at a later date.
Copy a product structure for one parent to a different parent with automatic resequencing.
List/Display product structures in several formats:
1) Single level ‑ shows all components of a parent one level down.
2) Single level where used ‑ shows all parents within one level of a component.
3) Indented ‑ shows all components of a parent by level.
4) Indented (or End‑Item) where used ‑ shows all parents of a component by level on all upper levels.
5) Summarized ‑ shows all components of a parent summarized by item for all lower levels.
Note: Product structure maintenance may be performed on-line or through the Engineering Change Processing application.
Once BOMP is initialized and the Product Structure File is loaded (see section on Product Structure File Maintenance), the usual mode of operation would be as follows.
The major files of BOMP, the I/M Inventory Item File, the Feature/Option Configuration File, and optionally, the Job Code File, need to be set up. You would set up these files completely if you were already maintaining your product structures some other way, i.e., using a service bureau, using another system, etc. Otherwise, you would do best to set up these files partially if you are just getting into your first BOMP installation. This is called the incremental phased approach where you set up one or two complete product lines and run with that until you understand the package better, then add product lines gradually until they are all on the system.
The Inventory Item File is set up via Inventory Management (I/M), which is a prerequisite for BOMP. See I/M's Item File Maintenance and Inventory Location Controlapplications.
The Product Structure File is set up in BOMP via the Product Structure File Maintenance application. The Feature/Option Configuration File is set up via the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application. The Job Code File is set up via the Job Code File Maintenance application.
Normally, the engineering department (occasionally manufacturing, purchasing or cost accounting) will have daily updates or engineering changes (a dozen or so). They will be entered via Engineering Change Processing. Also, all of the above departments will want to see displays and/or reports showing some product structure in its various formats, i.e., single level, indented, etc.
If you are operating in an MPC environment, daily entry of items to be produced and quantity and due date needed would be done. Normally production work orders to be released to manufacturing would be printed. Reporting finished goods produced via production transaction processing and posting would also be done daily.
Nothing unique happens normally on a monthly basis in the BOMP package.
You may print out or inquire into the Bills of Material, Production Requirements, and Production History at any time.
Nothing unique happens normally on an annual basis in the BOMP package.
The following is a list of additional features and interfaces to other packages that have not yet been mentioned:
Interface With Customer Order Processing
Product Structures
BOMP's Production Order Entry application has the ability to copy orders for product structure parents from COP. Stocked components for those parent items are allocated (reserved) to ensure availability during production. When and where the allocation occurs depends on your system's configuration. For specific examples of allocation scenarios, see the Package Overview section of the I/M manual.
Note: Non-stocked parent items cannot be processed in BOMP unless the "Process Non-Stocked Parents In BOMP" flag is set to Y in I/M Setup. Non-stocked "Purchased" items will not be allowed in BOMP Production Order Entry regardless of this flag setting. Only "Manufactured" non-stocked parents will be authorized by setting this flag to Y. "Manufactured" non-stocked parent's components will not be allocated nor quantities on hand reduced in COP Order Processing if this flag is set to Y.
Feature Items
The Copy COP Orders Into BOMP application will import orders for feature items entered in COP Order Entry. These are converted into production orders to be sent through the production process. For more information on processing orders for feature items, see the Feature Item Processing section of this Package Overview.
Interface With Material Requirements Planning
MRP absolutely requires Bill Of Material Processor for any gross‑to‑net requirements generation, by definition. In addition, full MRP will take net requirements, offset these by their lead time and plan (suggest) orders where net requirements have gone negative. BOMP allows for the entry of a production order and the copying of a specific firm planned order from MRP to initiate the production cycle.
Interface With Master Scheduling
Production orders entered in BOMP may be merged into M/S for items that are properly flagged in the I/M Master File.
Product Structures
Product Options
BOMP supports negative a quantity‑per product structure relationship, which allows the user to establish optional components (at any level) for the same parent item. The normal technique is to establish a product structure with all its components, including one of the optional components. Then, set up smaller product structures with 1) one component with a negative quantity‑per that matches (or offsets) one of those previously mentioned optional components, and 2) another component which is an alternate (or replacement) optional component. This bill can then be added during COP's Customer Order Entry as another line item and in essence offset the unwanted optional component and replace it with the desired optional component.
Obsolete/Forecasted Bills
For users who need more than an active or deleted status for their bills, they can specify obsolete bills (for those they do not want to use now but want to keep on file) and forecasted (or planning) bills for use with MRP in generating requirements for top‑level sub‑assemblies. A simplified example of using forecasted bills is as follows: the sales forecast for autos is 100; passing it through a forecasted bill which is structured with one component called automatic transmission with a quantity‑per of .7, and with the other component called manual transmission with a quantity‑per of .3. The result would be net requirements for 70 autos with automatic transmissions and 30 with manual. MRP could turn around and use those forecasted top‑level net requirements as real input to gross requirements for the remainder of the affected product structure.
Users who wish to gradually phase out an obsolete item can specify the replacement item as the sole component of the obsolete item in the bill, thus allowing use of either.
There is also a shrink/scrap factor in the Product Structure File, which allows the user to specify what portion, if any, of the component is expected not to survive the rigors of being made into its parent item. BOMP and MRP will then be allowed to more closely ascertain the correct component usage. For example, take a component called bacon. You need four pieces of bacon per one breakfast (parent); if the shrinkage is 20%, you will correctly need five pieces of bacon to start in order to end up with four when you get breakfast. This would specify a 25% scrap factor to indicate the necessary increase needed of the raw material.
The BOMP production order processing system utilizes the scrap factor in the Product Structure File for allocation, de-allocation, and the relieving of quantity-on-hand for components involved in producing a finished product. The only way not to use the scrap factor is to not enter it in the product structure.
Effectivity Date
This is the date that an item will become effective if the item is forecasted. This is the date that the item should become active. If the item is forecasted, then on the effectivity date, you should change the item's activity status to active and clear the effectivity date. You may also accomplish this by utilizing the Set Component Activity Flags application.
This date is used as a cutoff type date. It will either include or exclude items from reports based on their activity status and effective/obsolete dates. This will only occur if both active and forecasted items are selected, and an effectivity date is selected for the report. The effectivity date is entered in the Product Structure File and applies only to the specified component item for the specified parent item.
Forecasted items become active on their effectivity date and will appear only if their effectivity date is on or before the effectivity date given for printing of the report.
Active items become obsolete on their obsolete date and will appear only if their obsolete date is later than the effectivity date given for printing of the reports.
Most applications will automatically compare an item's effectivity date and the current date to determine its status. You may change an item's status manually through change mode in the Product Structure File Maintenance application. You may automatically change the status of a range of items by running the Set Component Activity Flags application.
Obsolete Date
This is the date that an active item will become obsolete. Unless designated, obsolete items or active items past their obsolete date will not print on specified reports.
BOMP Production System
As the central hub of the Material Production Control (MPC) environment (which also includes I/M, COP, MRP, and M/S) BOMP provides a system for entering, reporting, and tracking production of manufactured items. This is accomplished through several key applications accessible from the BOMP main menu bar.
Order Entry
The first of these is the Production Order Entry application. It allows for entry of orders with such information as quantity, price, due date, etc. Start dates for each order will be automatically calculated based on the lead-time for the item(s).
Orders for product structure parents may be copied directly into this application from the MRP or COP packages. Orders for feature items may be copied via the Copy COP Orders Into BOMP application. Once copied, customer and firm planned orders are converted to production orders and may be handled as if they had been manually entered.
Printing Of Work Orders
When an order is ready to go to the shop floor, it is printed via the Print Production Work Orders application. Once a work order is printed, it may no longer be changed in Production Order Entry.
Work In Process (WIP)
The Increase WIP? flag in Print Production Work Orders has a great impact on how material values are tracked. If Y is entered for that flag, on-hand and allocated quantities will be reduced in the Item File for the raw materials required completing the orders being printed. Also, credit distributions will be made to the asset accounts of those raw materials and a debit distribution will be created for the WIP account entered in BOMP Setup.
If the Increase WIP ? flag is set to W, the distributions will still be made to the appropriate accounts, but Item File on-hand and allocated quantities will not be affected until transactions are posted. If the flag is set to N, no distributions will be made and item quantities will not be affected when the work order is printed.
Reporting Production
As production is completed, it is reported through the Production Transaction Processing application. For each work order, it allows reporting on quantity produced, production date, and whether the order is to be considered complete. Although a work order will usually be printed before production is reported on it, this is not required as long as the WIP option is not being used (see above).
Production transactions do not affect inventory levels until they are posted in the Post Production Transactions application. They may be modified or deleted up until that time.
Production Scheduling
In BOMP, the Production Schedule Report is the main tool for checking the upcoming production schedule. It gives the start and due date for each order, along with the status and quantity reported for each. The most useful tool for looking at past production is the Production Transaction History Report. It provides a complete history of all transactions recorded for a specified range of work orders and dates.
Feature Items
The processing of feature type items by the COP and BOMP packages is based on the assumption that these items are strictly make-to-order (non-stocked) products. The feature item may, however, be flagged a stocked to facilitate serializing and/or lotting capabilities.
When entering feature items on orders in COP in the MPC environment, the feature item and its selected components (option items) are immediately allocated by the system to provide an instant picture of their availability. Using the Copy COP Orders Into BOMP application to mass copy these orders eliminates the need to re-enter them in BOMP and the possibility of errors in reporting the exact configuration of the parent item to manufacturing.
Over-production of a make-to-order product is always a possibility. If the additional production can be shipped as an increase to the original customer order, this can easily be accomplished through COP's Order Billing application. That application will allow for overshipment up to the quantity reported as produced for the related production order in the Production Transaction Processing application.
Due to a variety of causes, such as cancellation of an order after the product has been manufactured, it may be necessary to retain the product as inventory stock. The solution here is to assign the item a new (unique) inventory number, and stock it in a separate location. This will make it much easier to track via stock Status reporting until it can be disposed of.
The recommended procedure for this depends on, (1) if the item was originally flagged as stocked, and (2) exactly when the order was cancelled.
If the original feature item was stocked, it should be issued from the original location and then received into the new location as the new item. This can be accomplished through I/M's Inventory Transaction Processing. If the original item was non-stocked, use the same procedure but eliminate the issue step.
If the product was shipped and returned by the customer, place it back in stock by using a credit memo in COP. When it is returned to inventory, make sure to use the new item number and location.
For more information on reporting production, and over- and under-production, see the Production Transaction Processing section of this manual.
Deleting A COP Order After Copying To BOMP
Deleting an order containing a feature item as a line item or deleting a feature item line item is accomplished through COP in the same manner as for any other ordered item as long as production has not begun.
If the production work order has been printed, or if any production has been reported, neither the line item nor the related production order may be deleted. In this case, the order must be terminated in the Production Transaction Processing application, and manufacturing must be notified to stop any further production. This scenario is handled as under-production in the Feature Items Processing section of this Package Overview. If the actual production has already occurred, you may deal with the "extra" item(s) using the procedures described above in the Processing section.
Quantity Allocations
Refer to I/M Package Overview section for specific allocation examples.
Before proceeding with this section, you must have already created all directories and loaded the Elliott Programs. This is a fairly automated process. For further instructions, please refer to the installation section of the System Manager manual.
In order to begin using the Bill Of Material Processor system, the following steps must be completed after creating the data files.
1. The Inventory Maintenance package [I/M] is a necessary prerequisite. I/M must be installed and fully functional before BOMP can be installed.
2. The BOMP control data must be entered through the BOMP Setup application in the Util_setup window.
3. Enter product structure data using Product Structure File Maintenance.
4. Enter feature/option data using Feature/Option File Maintenance if applicable.
5. Enter job code data using Job Code File Maintenance if applicable.
The above steps will load the system with the necessary information to process the next month's transactions. Many more reports and capabilities may be used through experience with the system and familiarity with this manual.
The application sections in this manual may be used to obtain specific information on each application.
Some accounts for WO+ are required and some are optional. We suggest adding all of these accounts before using WO+. The accounts are:
The following figure shows the relationship between each account.
(Figure 1) Relationship between different accounts
Before parent items are finished each production transaction will create distributions which credit the components’ inventory account, the labor absorb account, the burden absorbed account and the outside process absorb account, as well as distributions which debit the Work-In-Process account. When the parent items are finished the production transactions will create distributions which credit the Work-In-Process account as well as distributions which debit the parent item’s inventory account. Distributions to the variance accounts may occur as well.
In performing this checklist, complete each step before moving on to the next step.
Step 1 Copy new orders for feature items into production order entry
- Select Copy COP Orders Into BOMP - Copy application
Step 2 Go into Production Order Entry and copy the orders from MRP or COP by
- Select Production Order Entry - Add, F4 Copy application
Step 3 Enter new production orders manually
- Select Production Order Entry - Add application
Step 4 Verify the transactions by printing an edit list
- Select Production Order Entry - List application
Step 5 Determine which orders should be produced for the day by printing a schedule report
- Select Production Schedule Report - Print application
Step 6 Send the work orders out to be produced. If you are using Serial/Lot items, there is room on the work order to identify the serial/lot numbers for all of the components AND for the finished item
- Select Print Production Work Orders - Print application
Step 7 Report and verify what items were actually produced for the day. If you are using Serial/Lot items, you would report the serial/lot number for the parent (finished) item
- Select Production Transaction Processing - Add application
- Select Production Transaction Processing - List application
Step 8 Post the production transactions
- Select Post Production Transactions - Post application
Step 9 If you are using Serial/Lot items, you need to identify which components and their Serial/Lot numbers were used in the production of the finished items (These serial/lot numbers that were used in the production of the finished item should have been identified on the work order)
- Select Issue Serial/Lot Component Items - Issue application
The frequency of the following steps is based on your company's procedures. These applications are recommended to maintain your Elliott environment.
Step 1 Perform Daily Processing Checklist (Detailed in its entirety on the proceeding page - Step 1 through Step 9)
- All reports should be spooled to disk to allow for backup retention
Step 2 It is recommended that periodic maintenance be performed on your product structures, feature/options and job files
- Select Product Structure File Maintenance application
- Select Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application
- Select Job Code File Maintenance application
Step 3 Enter and verify the engineering changes to the product structure
- Select Engineering Change Processing - Add application
- Select Engineering Change Processing - List application
Step 4 Post the engineering changes
- Select Post Engineering Changes - Post application
Step 5 With the engineering changes posted, set the low level codes for proper reporting
- Select Reset Low Level Codes - Reset application
- Note: This application excludes other users from the use of the Inventory Item file and may consume a considerable amount of time based on the size of your Item file and the number of product structures you have. It is recommended to perform this application at a time when a minimal number of users are on the system.
Step 6 Update the component activity flags (forecasted, active or obsolete)
- Select Set Component Activity Flags - Set application
Step 7 Reset the component sequence numbers for ease of reporting and to help in making additional changes
- Select Resequence Component Items - Resequence application
Step 8 Print the Job Distribution History Report
- Select Job Distribution History Report - Print application
Step 9 Report what engineering changes took place over the period
- Select Engineering Change History Report - Print application
Step 10 Report the production that was completed for the period and report the serial/lot numbers that were produced
- Select Production Transaction History Report - Print application
Step 11 Perform a backup
- Make a period end backup of your ENTIRE Elliott system to keep for auditing purposes. Label
and date this backup "Periodic ___/___/___ End Backup"
Step 1 Perform the following applications as needed:
Single Level Bill of Material Inquiry
Indented Bill Of Material Inquiry
Single Level Where‑Used Inquiry
Feature/Option Configuration Inquiry
Item File Inquiry
Print Costed Bill Of Material Report
Print Picking List by Bill
Print Production Schedule Report
Print Single Level Bill Of Material Report
Print Indented Bill Of Material Report
Print Single Level Where‑Used Report
Print End Item Where‑Used Report
Print Option Item Where-Used Report
Print Summarized Bill Of Material Report
Print Gross Requirements Report
Print Audit Trail Report
In performing this checklist, complete each step before moving on to the next step.
Step 1 Perform Periodic Processing Checklist (Detailed in its entirety on the proceeding page - Step 1 through Step 9)
- Save the backup labeled "Periodic End Backup" with your other periodic backups
Step 2 Perform reports as needed. See the Applications As Needed Checklist for examples and spool the reports to disk
Step 3 Perform a backup
- Make a final year-end backup and keep for auditing purposes. Label this backup "Final Year 19___ End Backup"
This section presents the menu of Bill Of Material Processor applications that are available to the user. The menu consists of six pull down windows.
The Maintenance window contains applications to maintain the BOMP package.
The Inquiry window allows you to view Bill of Material structures and inventory item information without the ability to change any record.
The Processing window is where most of your activity will take place. Entering transactions and posting/updating this information to other files.
The Reports window presents a wide selection of management and analysis reports that will assist you in making company decisions.
The Util_setup window accesses files that need to be set up in order to tailor the software to meet your company's needs.
After an application has been run to completion, the BOMP menu bar will display once again and allow entry of another application.