BB1700 Bank Book Bank File Maintenance

BB1700 Bank Book Bank File Maintenance

Bank File Maintenance

 Application Overview

The Bankfile is used to store information on all banks that the company may have an account with.  This application allows entry of information into this file and then maintenance of this data.  This bank file will be used throughout the BB application.

The Bankfile contains information such as the G/L Account Number, G/L Opening Balance, Last G/L Update and General Bank Information such as Bank Name, Bank Account Number, Bank Contact, and Bank Phone Number.  This file is used in many applications and reports.  It is used to correspond the proper G/L with its correct Bank Account information.

There is one main screen used in the Bankfile application.  Enter the G/L and individual Bank Account information here.

Run Instructions

Accounting Ò BankBook Ò Maintenance Ò Bankfile Maintenance

Select the Bankfile from the Bank Book Maintenance window.

The following options are available:

  • Select the desired mode from the Bankfile Maintenance menu bar
  • Enter the data requested on the screen
To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen.

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.




1. G/L  Cash Account

6 alphanumeric characters

This number is used throughout the Bank Book Package to refer to the G/L Cash Account.  Every bank account that you want to process in the Bank Book module needs to be defined here.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Main G/L Account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the G/L Account by description.  This is useful in the change or delete modes to find a G/L Account when you do not know the account number.  This account is used to accumulate totals for bank accounts after the open item file is posted.


2. G/L Opening Balance

10 numeric and 2 numeric decimal digits (9999999999.99)

At the time of Bankfile creation the current G/L Opening balance must be entered here.  This should be the ending balance in your G/L account.

3. Last G/L Update



A date in the standard date format

 This is the last date a G/L Balance update for the above account was done.  The date in this field will be maintained by the system after doing an update.  If for setup purposes only, enter any date.

This field will default to the system date.

4. Bank Name




35 alphanumeric characters

In most places in BB package where the bank name is entered, the F8 key can be pressed and a search for the vendor by this name is allowed.  If you have a large number of banks accounts and will be using F8 key search, it would be best to keep the name as simple as possible and enter it in a format that will allow it to be alphabetized, e.g., Bank of California instead of The Bank of California.  This will also make for a more meaningful Alphabetical Print-Out.  This name will also appear in reports derived from this package. 

5. Bank Account #

15 alphanumeric characters

Enter the bank account number here.  You may enter more than one account for each bank name by creating a new Bankfile for each bank account.

6. Bank Contact

20 alphanumeric characters

Enter the person who is to be contacted in regards to this bank account.

7. Bank Phone Number

10 numerical digits (999-999-9999)

Enter the phone number for the contact that will be used.



Fields 1 – 3, and 5 are mandatory fields.

Fields 4 and 6 – 7 are for reference only and not mandatory. However, these field will appear on some reports.

Update Cash Balance


Application Overview

This option should be run whenever a cash account is tied out to the bank statement, e.g., at month end or whenever G/L journal entries were made that affected the cash account balance.  The General Ledger Balance as of the cutoff date entered will be recalculated and saved in Bank Book as the new starting balance. Optionally, you have the ability to manually enter a starting balance that can be taken from the G/L account inquiry or Trial Balance, Ending Balance for a specific cash account. 

The General Ledger Balance as of the cutoff date entered, will be re-calculated and saved in Bank Book as the new starting balance. Optionally, you have the ability to manually enter a starting balance that can be taken from the G/L account inquiry or Trial Balance, Ending Balance for a specific cash account.

All distributions in A/R, A/P and Payroll (if installed) will be totaled to provide a current up-to-date bank account balance as if these distributions have been interfaced.

Select “Y” to calculate new balance.  The system will calculate the new balance and display it and the new G/L Update date.  The system will now ask you if you want to update.  Select “Y” or “N.”

Please be aware that all interfaced distributions will be processed as part of Bank Book. It is vital to keep your distribution files as clean as possible. Entries for the wrong dates (e.g., 1903 or 1904) must be purged using the purge option on the distribution reports, since such errors are usually corrected via journal entries.

To keep Bank Book running at an acceptable speed, we also recommend purging your distributions on a monthly basis once they have been interfaced and posted to the General Ledger successfully.


Run Instructions


BankBook Ò Processing Ò Update Cash Balance

Select Update-balance application from the process window.

The following options are available:

  • Enter the data requested on the screen

To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen.

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.




1. G/L  Cash Account

6 alphanumeric characters

Enter the G/L account you would like to update.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Main G/L Account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the G/L Account by description.  This is useful in the change or delete modes to find a G/L Account when you do not know the account number.  This account is used to accumulate totals for bank accounts after the open item file is posted.


2. G/L Opening Balance

10 numeric and 2 numeric decimal digits (9999999999.99)

This is the opening balance in the G/L account specified above.

3. Last G/L Update



A date in the standard date format

 This is the last date a G/L Balance update for the above account was done.  The date in this field is automatically posted after doing the last update.

4. Bank Name


35 alphanumeric characters

States here the Bank name specified in the bank file for this cash account. 

5. Bank Account #

15 alphanumeric characters

States here the Bank Account No specified in the bank file for this cash account.

6. Bank Contact

20 alphanumeric characters

States here the contact specified in the bank file for this account.

7. Bank Phone Number

10 numerical digits (999-999-9999)

States here the contact phone number specified in the bank file for this cash account.




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