BATF Report Selection by FFL

BATF Report Selection by FFL

Release Date: 4/5/2016

Added FFL selection criteria to the BATF report.  Entered FFL may be 8 or 15 characters and should not contain "-" between the different segments of the FFL.

Selecting by FFL number is an alternative to selecting by customer or vendor number. This is especially true because Elliott's BATF Report does not have a way to select by customer's ship-to. 

The 8-digit FFL number is the first 3 digits + the last 5 digits of the full 15-digit FFL number.  The 8-digit FFL number does not change for an FFL holder at a given location. On the other hand, the 15-digit FFL number does change every four years. Therefore, it may be beneficial for you to use the 8-digit FFL number for selection on this report.  The using of 8 digits FFL to select will work regardless of whether you store 8 or 15 digits in the customer or ship-to FFL field.  Vice versa is true for selecting by 15 digits FFL number.  For the Vendor FFL number, the system allows you to enter up to 20 digits.  But you should enter either an 8- or 15-digit FFL number if you intend for this report to be matched with the vendor.

When you print the BATF Report, you may print by three different sequences:
   B=Bound Book Sequence
   I=Item/Serial# Sequence
   S=Serial# Sequence
Depending on the number of years of history you have, your bound book file can be enormous. It is important that you supply proper parameters if you intend to finish the report in a reasonable amount of time.  Don't use "All" for every range parameter.

When you choose "B" for Bound Book Sequence - The system use the primary key of the BATF file, which is by the acquisition date sequence.  It is important that you specify a starting/ending acquistion date.

When you choose "I" for Item/Serial# Sequence - The system uses the item/serial# key. It is important that you specify a starting/ending item number.

When you choose "S" for Serial# Sequence - The system uses the serial# key.  It is important that you specify a starting/ending serial number.

Modified Programs: IMBATFRS, IMBATFRP

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