Date Released: 4/28/23
Version: 8.6 and Above
Revised: 9/11/23
After running
Create/Update State Tax Codes (System Utilities -> Global Setup -> Utilities-> Avalara Utilities-> Utilities-> Create/Update State Tax Codes) the tax type and the tax local fields in the state file are updated based upon the "Where you collect tax" setting in your Avalara administrative settings.
7. Tax Type: Valid options are N=None, S=Sales Tax(Physically Present) and U=Use Tax(Nexus But Not In State). The default value is "S." When set to "S," sales tax rates will be used when estimating sales tax. When set to "U," use tax rates will be used when estimating sales tax. If the warehouse location is the same state as the ship-to state and the tax type is set to "U," taxes will be estimated with the sales tax rates instead of the use tax rates.
Tax Local shows how city and district taxes will be handled when use taxes are calculated by Avalara.
8. Report Nontaxable to Avalara? - Valid options are Y=Always Report N=Never Report Blank=Use Global Setup Default. Default is blank.
The fields are printed on the State Table List.
The nexus fields are updated based up values set up in the Admin section of Avalara's web site.
Users can update the fields manually. For example, let’s say Colorado has a nexus rule of $500,000. If an Elliott user does not sell over $500,000 to Colorado, then that user does not need to collect use tax for Colorado. Hence, that user will override the default value “U” in the Tax Type field for state “CO” to “N”. However, the next time the fields are updated using the Create/Update State Tax Codes application. To set this up correctly, the user should set Avalara to Sales Tax Only in the ADMIN application.
Programs Modified: AR0120, AR0120P1, STATEFIL.FD