Avalara - Item Tax Codes

Avalara - Item Tax Codes

Release Date: 4/28/23
Version: 8.6 and Above

Tax codes (_GOODSERVICES attribute) are used to determine what tax category an item belongs to for taxing purposes. Tax codes can be assigned at the product category, user-defined code, and item levels. When creating an order, a hierarchy will be applied. If no tax code exists for the item, the application will check for a user-defined code tax code. If the tax code does not exist, the application will check for product category tax code. If the tax code has not been defined, the Avalara Global Setup Default Item Tax Code will be used as the default.

Tax codes are attached to items, user-defined codes, and product categories via the _GOODSERVICES attribute.

For example, if there is a product category "01" for uniforms, the user would bring up the product category in Change mode Inventory Management-> Maintenance-> Product Category File Maintenance and click on the attribute button. The user would then click on new, choose the  _GOODSERVICES attribute, and click OK.

Once the screen is displayed, the user would click on the search button.

The user would then search to find the appropriate tax code. In this example, we searched by the word "UNIFORM."

When we chose the correct tax code and clicked on OK or pressed Enter, the value was returned.

We then clicked on OK to save the attribute.

Whenever an item with the product category of "01" is on an Order Entry order, the tax code "PC030153" will be used when calculating taxes.

NOTE: It is not necessary to import items via the Avalara Admin site. Tax calculation will work properly after configuring the tax codes for the items, user-defined codes, and product categories in Elliott.


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