The Service File is part of a larger process that enables your company to track the efficiency and profitability of its billable services. This represents an important benefit to your respective operational departments as they allocate, plan, or monitor resources.
The Service File application includes fifteen variable fields of information that define each service. These are subsequently referenced by the Service Invoice Processing and Print Service Invoice applications.
The first pieces of information entered are the service number and description. Whenever a service number is entered during Service Invoice Processing, the program refers to the service record you entered here, displaying it's name, and other pertinent information. The program requires a service number for each line item on the Invoice. This number will then designate the service type that was entered in the Service File application.
The program also permits you to obtain a numerical or alphanumerical listing of all service records on file. This is particularly useful when you want to change or delete a given service, and don't remember it's number.
The remaining fields specify variable conditions under which a given service is sold. They are used extensively in the Service Invoice Processing. For example, the unit field requires an entry that represents a measure of time, such as, an hour, day, month, or year. The unit price field then reflects the price of this delineated unit. In the Service Invoice Processing program this information is employed to calculate the total price of all line item services.
As you begin to set up this file, please remember to define all of your company's most frequently used services. This might include Consulting, Support, Training, Installation, or any other Non-Inventory Items.
Select Service File from the pull down A/R Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Service File Maintenance Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Service No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the code you want to use to represent the service provided. For example, you might want to enter Support to represent Software Support. In the change or delete mode press the F7 key for search for code. |
2. Description | 30 alphanumeric characters. Enter the description of the service number. This description will be displayed any time the entry of a service number is requested, so that you can be sure that you have entered the correct code. |
3. Unit | 4 alphanumeric characters. Enter the type of units associated with this service number. For example, Hour might be used for a support agreement service number. |
4. Unit Price | 10 numeric digits with 4 decimals places (999,999.9999-). Enter the base amount that will be multiplied against a quantity in the Service Invoice Processing application. |
5. Unit Cost | 10 numeric digits with 4 decimals places (999,999.9999-). Enter your cost for one unit of the service. For example if the service is sold in hour, enter you cost for one hour of the service. |
6. Sales Account | Standard account format. Enter the General Ledger Sales Account associated with this service number. Pressing the F7 or F8 key will allow you to search by account number or account description respectively. |
7. Cogs Account | Standard account format. Enter the General Ledger or A/R account number that reflects your cost of the goods sold. Pressing the F7 or F8 key will allow you to search by account number or account description. |
8. Taxable ? | Y or N. If you enter a Y, tax will be calculated for this Service Number, otherwise, no tax will be calculated. |
9. Commissionable ? | Y or N. If you enter a Y, commission will be calculated from the salesman file, by customer type. If you enter a N, no commission will be calculated. |
10. Units Ptd | 9 numeric digits (9,999,999.99-). The total number of service units sold this period to date. |
11. Units Ytd | 9 numeric digits (9,999.999.99-). The total number of service units sold this year to date. |
12. Sales Ptd | 9 numeric digits (9,999,999.99-). The total sales for this service during the current period to date. |
13. Sales Ytd | 9 numeric digits (9,999.999.99-). The total sales for this service during the current year to date. |
14. Cogs Ptd | 9 numeric digits (9,999.999.99-). The total Cost Of Goods for this service during the current period to date. |
15. Cogs Ytd | 9 numeric digits (9,999.999.99-). The total Cost Of Goods for this service for the current year to date. |
Service File entry fields begin with item number 10 and will update Service Invoice Processing. They can be cleared to zero when running the Clear A/R Accumulators application. For this reason, the operator will ordinarily not be able to change these fields in change mode. When a change is attempted to these fields, the following message will be displayed.
Changes To These Fields Not Allowed Press "RETURN"
However, if you do find it necessary to make corrections to data that was entered in error, there is a way to do it. In response to the Field Number ? question, press the F6 key. You will then be able to make changes to these fields in the same way that any other fields are changed, if change protected fields in A/R Setup is Y.
Date filled out __________ by __________ ADD CHANGE DELETE
COMPANY # _ _ _ _ _
1) Service No _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2) Description _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3) Unit _ _ _ _
4) Unit Price _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
5) Unit Cost _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
6) Sales Account _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7) Cogs Account _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8) Taxable Y = Yes _
N = No _
9) Commissionable Y = Yes _
N = No _
10) Units PTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
11) Units YTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
12) Sales PTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
13) Sales YTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
14) Cogs PTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
15) Cogs YTD _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _
Numeric Service No List