There are six Sales Analysis reports that you can obtain. They are the Sales Analysis by Customer Report, Sales Analysis by Customer Type, Sales Analysis by Sales Volume Report, Sales Analysis by Salesman Report, Sales Analysis by State Report and the Sales Analysis by Territory Report.
Each of these reports draws the information it prints from the Customer file, except the Sales Analysis by Salesman Report, which takes its information from the Salesman file. The Sales PTD and YTD and Cost PTD and YTD fields from the Customer file and the Salesman file are used to report the sales figures for each customer, customer type, salesperson, etc., along with profit and percent of total profit figures.
Select Sales Analysis Reports from the pull down A/R Reports window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Sales Analysis Reports Entry Screen
The following option is available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. Enter a beginning customer number in the range that you want to print. If you pressRETURN for this entry, it will default to All, and all customers on file will be printed. |
2. Ending Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending customer number in the range that you want to print. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Customer Type | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter a beginning customer type in the range that you want to print. If you pressRETURN for this entry, it will default to All, and all customer types on file will be printed. |
2. Ending Customer Type | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending customer number in the range that you want to print. |
3. Do You Want To Print Each Type On A Separate Page ? | Y or N. If you enter Y each customer type specified in the previous field will be printed on a separate page. If you enter N each customer type specified in the previous field will be printed on the same page. This field defaults to N. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Period‑To‑Date Or Year‑To‑Date ? | 1 alphanumeric character. Enter either a P (Period‑to‑Date) or Y (Year‑to‑Date). The Sales Analysis Report by sales volume is printed in order from the customer with the highest sales volume to the customer with the lowest sales volume. Your entry here will determine whether the report uses the PTD or the YTD sales volume figures when it places the customers in order for printing. Default to P. |
2. Sales Volume Cut‑Off Level | 8 numeric digits (99,999,999). Enter the sales volume cut‑off amount. Any customer with a sales volume below the amount you enter here will not appear on the report. If you press RETURN, it will default to All customers. |
3. No of Customers to Print | 4 numeric digits (9,999). Enter the number of customers to appear on the report. For example, if you enter 50 here, the report will print only the 50 customers with the largest sales volumes. If you press RETURN, it will default to All customers. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Salesman No | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter a beginning salesman number in the range that you want to print. If you pressRETURN for this entry, it will default to All, and all salesmen on file will be printed. |
2. Ending Salesman No | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending salesman number in the range that you want to print. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting State | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter a beginning state in the range that you want to print. If you press RETURN for this entry, it will default to All, and all states on file will be printed. |
2. Ending State | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending state in the range that you want to print. |
3. Do You Want To Print Each State On A Separate Page ? | Y or N. If you enter Y each state specified in the previous field will be printed on a separate page. If you enter N each state specified in the previous field will be printed on the same page. This field defaults to N. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Territory | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter a beginning territory range that you want to print. If you press RETURN for this entry, it will default to All, and all territories on file will be printed. |
2. Ending Territory | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending territory in the range that you want to print. |
Do You Want To Print Each Territory On A Separate Page ? | Y or N. If you enter Y each territory specified in the previous field will be printed on a separate page. If you enter N each territory specified in the previous field will be printed on the same page. This field defaults to N. |
Sales Analysis Report By Customer Number
Sales Analysis Report By Customer Type
Sales Analysis Reports In Sales Volume Order
Sales Analysis Reports By Salesman Number
Sales Analysis Reports By State
Sales Analysis Reports By Territory