ARPRGSCN Accounts Receivable Purge Closed Open Items

ARPRGSCN Accounts Receivable Purge Closed Open Items

Purge Closed Open Items

Application Overview


Periodically, you will want to remove from the A/R Open Item File all transactions that have been fully paid off. Otherwise, the file could become very large over a period of time. This application will accom­plish this function for you.


When you purge the A/R Open Item File, the system writes the purge information to the History Item File, which holds all your purged records.  Inquires, reports, and a purge function are available for this file as well.


Since this application does remove detail from the A/R Open Item File, you should not run it until you have printed statements for the period. Otherwise, much of the activity, which has occurred during the period, may not appear on the statements.


You may select which customer's accounts will be purged in the same way you selected which customers were to have statements printed.  You can enter up to five Statement Frequency codes, and a starting and ending range of customers.  Only those customers who have a Statement Fre­quency code matching one of the codes you entered and who fall within the range specified will have their account purged.


You will also enter a cut‑off date for the purge.  Any items in a cust­omer's account dated after this cut‑off date will not be considered at all during the purge.  They will remain on file.  For example, let us assume you want to purge the file through the end of June, even though you are currently mid‑way through July.  The program will not look at payments, which have occurred toward a customer's open items if they occurred after the end of June, even if they fully paid off one or more open items.  This is done in this fashion so that the detail of cust­omer payments during the month of July will remain intact for the next printing of statements.


Only customers that have transactions purged will be printed in the purge journal.


Purged Data


Any data purged is moved to the A/R History Item File and is available for viewing and reporting.  This file can also be purged by a cut-off date and any purging of this file removes that data from you system.


How the Purge Works


When an Open Item customer's account is purged, the program looks at each invoice to determine if its current balance is zero, meaning that it has been fully paid.  If its balance is zero, then the invoice and all payments, credit memos and debit memos, which apply to the invoice, will be deleted from the file.  Any open items whose current balance owing is not zero will be left on file.


When a Balance Forward customer's account is purged, the program totals up all credits on the customer’s account, and apply those credits to the oldest debits on the account.  Every invoice, or other debit, which can be paid off by the total credit amount is deleted from the file. All open items, which could not be fully paid off, remain on file.



Run Instructions


A/R Processing Menu > Purge Closed Open Items > Purge


 The following screen will displayed where you can select the Open Item File or History Item File




Purge Closed Open Items Entry Screen




 The following option is available:

  • Allows you to remove transactions, which have been fully paid off

This application does remove detail from the A/R Open Item File and should not be run until after statements for the period have been printed.


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

 1.  Thru What Date ?

A date in the standard date format.

No documents past this date will be considered during the purge.  This field defaults to the system date.

2.  Stmnt Freqs to Purge

Five entries of 1 alphanumeric character.

Only those customers having a statement frequency matching one of the frequencies you enter here, and whose customer number also falls within the range you will enter below, will have their account purged.  If you press RETURN for the entry of the first entry of a statement frequency, it will default to All statement frequencies.

These are the valid values which can be entered for these fields:

D              =              Discretionary

W             =              Weekly

S              =              Semi‑monthly

M             =              Monthly

Q             =              Quarterly

N              =              No Statement

3.  Starting Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the number of the starting customer to be purged.  If you press RETURN for this entry, it will default to All customers.

4.  Ending Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the number of the ending customer to be purged.  If you press RETURN for this entry, it will default to the starting customer entry.  In other words, only the customer specified by the starting customer number will be purged.



Purge Closed Open Items Screen:







Purge Closed History Items Screen




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