The Customer File is a very important file. It stores the basic information about every customer you do business with.
Almost every major application in the A/R package uses the Customer file to ensure that processing done relating to a customer is handled according to the specifications for that customer.
The Customer Order Processing package also will refer to this same Customer file for information about the customer during the entry of orders. As you can see, this is a very widely used and a very important file.
Probably the best way to explain what Customer File Maintenance does is to cover briefly the main information that is entered for each customer, and go over how that information is used.
The first pieces of information that you will enter for a customer are the customer number, name and address. Whenever you enter a customer number during Accounts Receivable processing, the program will look up the customer record and display the customer's name and any other information that is pertinent. In this way, you can ensure that you are actually processing the right customer.
If during the entry of transactions for a customer, you do not know the number of the customer, the program will allow you to enter some portion of the customer's sort name, and then find for you all of the customers whose sort names match what you entered. For this reason, you should think for a few minutes about how you are going to enter customer sort names. For example, are you going to put the last name first? If the customer's name is Fran Smith, the operator who is entering the customer's transaction may expect to be able to enter Smith and have the program find the customer for him. If the customer's sort name was entered with the first name first, the program will not find a match between Smith and the customer's first name, Fran. Try to enter customer sort names in a way that will allow them to be found as easily as possible during data entry.
Several of the fields that are entered during Customer File Maintenance are values that will later be used as defaults by other programs in the package. By a default, we mean this: whenever you don't make an overriding entry, the package will use the value from the Customer record, by default. For example, during Sales & CR/DR Memo Processing, you will have to enter the number of the salesperson responsible for the sale. Unless you say otherwise, the program will use as the default the number of the salesperson that you entered into the Customer record. Some of the other fields that are default values for the customer are the Location code, Ship Via method and order discount percent. These fields are used by other programs in either Accounts Receivable or Customer Order Processing as default values. You will always be able to override default values. They are there to make data entry more convenient for you.
There may be times when you will receive an order from a customer with whom you do not expect to do business again, and you do not want to have the customer in the Customer file. You can handle this situation through the use of Miscellaneous Customers. A miscellaneous customer is one whose customer number begins with an asterisk(*). When you enter any sort of transaction for such a customer, the program will allow you to enter the customer's name, instead of obtaining the name from the Customer file. You should add a record, by way of Customer File Maintenance, for any miscellaneous customer numbers that you anticipate using. Data entry programs will still verify that the customer number you enter is contained in the Customer file, even if the customer number you have entered is for a miscellaneous customer.
One of the things you must specify about each customer is the method of accounting that is to be used. The two methods of accounting that this Accounts Receivable package will handle are Balance Forward accounting and Open Item accounting.
When we speak of an open item here, we mean a transaction on the customer's account that has not been fully settled yet. For example, the customer made a purchase from you in the sum of $500, but has not yet paid you for it. The record of this transaction is called an open item. All of these transactions are stored in a file called the A/R Open Item file. Aside from the Customer file, the A/R Open Item file is the other very important file in A/R.
When a customer uses the Balance Forward method of accounting, he does not pay off individual open items every time he sends you a payment. The money that is sent to you just goes onto the customer's account, and pays off the earliest open items outstanding. The way banks handle credit cards is very similar to this. When you send them a payment, it does not pay off the open item generated as the result of your purchasing a fishing pole last month. The payment just goes onto your account and reduces the amount you owe the bank. The A/R package does keep sufficient detail of the transactions for a Balance Forward customer that you can tell at any time how old the customer's account is. That is, how long transactions have remained on the customer's account unpaid. So there is no need for you to worry about losing any important detail if you decide to use Balance Forward for any of your customers.
In Open Item accounting, on the other hand, when the customer sends you a payment, he usually indicates which open items he is paying. Some customers will insist that their account be handled on an Open Item basis, since they foresee the possibility of disputes on certain items and they do not want any of their payments to apply to those disputed items.
The Accounts Receivable package will allow you to have customers on file who use either Balance Forward accounting or Open Item accounting. You may change a customer's accounting method at any time without difficulty. However, if you switch a customer from Balance Forward to Open Item and wish past payments to be correctly applied to open items, you will need to change the apply‑to numbers of the invoices, credit memos and debit memos using the Re‑Apply CR/DR Memos application and then re‑apply the payments through Cash Receipts Processing.
All the applications which process transactions that affect the customer's account also update some sales figures that are stored in the Customer record. These stored sales figures can be used later to produce any of several Sales Analysis Reports.
By selecting Notes from the Customer File Maintenance menu bar, you can define any additional requirements for each customer record on file. The benefit of this feature is apparent when you need special information that isn't present in any other file maintenance application. The Notes function displays a window that enables entry of the customer's number. You can enter up to 5 lines, 30 characters each, of additional comments plus one date and 1 amount field. This option must be setup in the A/R Setup application from the Util_setup pull down window.
You may print a list of customers by customer number order with the customer’s comment lines.
You may print a list of customers by customer name order.
This feature allows the user to print mailing labels from the customer file. The labels may be printed in numeric, customer name, zip code, salesman number or collector order. The label size is determined by the label code. The default label code is set in A/R Setup. To define the label size, use the Label Code Setup application. Please refer to the Systems Manager manual for Run Instructions for Label Code Setup.
Select Customer File from the pull down A/R Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Customer File Maintenance Screen 1 of 3
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ALT or F10 key. To leave this application, press ESC or X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
*. Customer No | 6 alphanumeric characters. Enter the customer number. Even though the customer number is alphanumeric, you can enter purely numeric digits if you wish. A miscellaneous customer number that will be used for miscellaneous customers may be set up by entering an asterisk (*) as the first character of the customer number. Press the F7 key in change or delete mode for customer search by number. Press the F8key in change or delete mode for customer search by sort name. |
1. Bill-To | Applicable if you are using A/R Bill-To feature. See Global Utilities for additional information. |
2. Sort Name | 30 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the customer's name. It is suggested that you enter the main company or the customer's last name as the first part of the customer name so that the customer will appear on the Alphabetical Customer List in the proper order. Also, entering the customer name in this fashion will make it easier for data entry operators to retrieve the customer by way of their name. See the Application Overview for details on how this is done. |
3. Corresp Name | 30 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the customer's correspondence name. This name is used for correspondence with the customer on Invoices, Statements, Mailing Labels, etc. |
4. Address‑1 | 30 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the first line of the customer's address. |
5. Address‑2 | 30 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the second line (if there is one) of the customer's address. |
6. City | 15 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the name of the customer's city. |
7. State | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the customer's state. |
8. Zip Code | 10 alphanumeric characters. Enter the customer's zip code. |
9. Country | 10 alphanumeric characters. Enter the name (or abbreviation) of the customer's country. |
10. Contact | 20 alphanumeric characters. Lower case letters are allowed. Enter the name of the primary contact person when transacting business with this company. |
11. Phone No | 12 alphanumeric characters. Enter the customer's phone number. Twelve characters are provided so that you can enter hyphens into the number if you wish. For example, 614‑382‑5999. |
13. Acct Date | A date in the standard date format. Enter the date when the customer was added to A/R. This field is for reference only. |
14. Cust Type | 5 alphanumeric characters. The value that you enter here is up to you. You can define any system of customer types that you wish. A Sales Analysis Report by Customer Type can be printed later, using this field. Several pricing, discount and commission calculations can be governed by the value of this field, if you decide to utilize it in that way. You can even decide to leave the field unused in all cases, if you would like. |
15. Bal Method | 1 alphanumeric character. Enter either O to signify that the customer uses Open Item accounting, or B to indicate Balance Forward accounting. These two accounting methods are described in the Application Overview for this application. |
16. Stmnt Freq | 1 alphanumeric character. Enter a code to indicate how frequently the customer is to receive a statement. This field can have one of the following values: N = No Statement D = Discretionary W = Weekly S = Semi‑Monthly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly When you print statements, you will enter the frequency codes of the customers for which you wish to print statements. Statements will be printed only for the customers having a Statement Frequency code matching one of the entered codes. |
17. Crdt Limit | 9 numeric digits (999,999,999). Enter the customer's credit limit or 999999999 to mean an unlimited credit limit. The wordUnlimited will be displayed. |
18. Crdt Rate | 4 alphanumeric characters. You can set up your own system of credit ratings if you wish. The A/R package does not do anything with this field at this time. |
19. Crdt Hold ? | Y or N. Enter the customer's credit status. If this is answered Y, the system will display a warning message when doing Sales & CR/DR Memo Processing and will not allow COP Order Entry. |
20. Collector | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the initials of the collector responsible for collection of this customer's account. Aging reports may be printed for an individual collector's customers. |
21. Salesman No | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the number of the salesperson who usually works on this customer's account. The salesperson number that you enter here will be the default salesperson during sales transaction processing and during the entry of customer orders in the Customer Order Processing package. The salesperson number that you enter will be looked up in the Salesman file and the salesperson's name will be displayed. If the salesperson number entered is not on file in the Salesman file, an error message will be displayed and the program will request that you enter another salesperson number. The entry of a valid salesperson number is required for this field. Press the F7 key to search for Salesman. |
22. Slsmn Start | A date in the standard date format. Enter the date when the salesman was added to this customer record. This field is for reference only. |
23. Location | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the location from which the customer's orders will be filled. This field is used in Customer Order Processing in conjunction with Inventory Management. Let us say that you have several branches or outlets for your products that are widely separated in distance, perhaps even in different states. When orders come in from a customer, they will usually be filled from only one of those outlets. For example, if you have two locations from which an item can be sold, one in Los Angeles and one in New York, and the customer is located in New York, his order is going to be filled from your New York location. During the entry of the customer's order, whenever some stock item is being ordered, the program will verify that the item is actually stocked at the customer's ordering location, and that there is sufficient stock of the item at that location to fill the order. The codes you use to designate your various locations can be defined by you in any way you wish. |
24. Territory | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the territory where the customer is located. You can define the codes you use to designate these territories in any way you wish. A Sales Analysis by Territory Report can later be obtained which uses this field. |
25. Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. This field defaults to the default A/R account in A/R Setup. If you have specified in A/R Setup that you have multiple A/R accounts, you will be asked to enter the account number of the A/R account in which all transactions for this customer will be recorded. Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the account by number. Pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the account by description. If you specified that you do not have multiple A/R accounts, you will be forced to take the default. |
26. Ship Via | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the code of the Ship Via method most frequently used for shipping to this customer. The description of the code will be displayed next to the code. This Ship Via Code must have been entered previously by way of Ship Via Code File Maintenance. If the code is not on file, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to enter another Ship Via code. This Ship Via Code is used as the default shipping method during the entry of orders in the Customer Order Processing package. Press the F7 key to search for Ship Via codes. |
27. Terms Code | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the code of the Terms applicable to this customer. This Terms code must have been entered previously by way of Terms Code File Maintenance. The description of the Terms code will be displayed beside the code. If the code is not on file, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to enter another Terms code. This Terms code is used in various places in the A/R package to calculate what discount is due a customer based on his date of payment. Press the F7 key to search for Terms Code. |
28. Discount % | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99). Enter the discount percent the customer usually receives on goods he purchases from you. This discount percent can be up to 999.99%. |
29. Taxable ? | Y or N. Answer whether the customer is taxable or not. |
30. Exempt No | 15 alphanumeric characters. If the customer is non‑taxable, enter the customer's tax exempt number. For example,12‑345678. This field is used for reference only. You may make an entry if you wish, but none is required. |
31. Tax Code 1 | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the Tax Code that designates how the customer is taxed. This Tax Code must have been entered previously by way of Tax Code File Maintenance. The description of the Tax Code will be displayed beneath the code. If the Tax Code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to enter another Tax Code. You must enter a valid Tax Code here even though the customer may be non‑taxable. Create a non-taxable sales tax code in Tax Code File Maintenance for non‑taxable customers. Press the F7 key to search for Tax Code. |
32. Tax Code 2 | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the next Tax Code that designates how the customer is taxed. This is in addition to Tax Code 1. The description of the Tax Code will be displayed beneath the code. If the Tax Code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to enter another Tax Code. Press the F7 key to search for Tax Code. You may make an entry if you wish, but none is required. |
33. Tax Code 3 | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the next Tax Code that designates how the customer is taxed. This is in addition to Tax Codes 1 and 2. The description of the Tax Code will be displayed beneath the code. If the Tax Code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to enter another Tax Code. Press the F7 key to search for Tax Code. If Tax Code 2 is not blank, you may make an entry if you wish, but none is required. If Tax Code 2 is blank, no entry will be allowed. |
Name | Type and Description |
34. Comments | 2 lines of 30 characters. Enter comments for this customer. These comments are displayed during Sales and CR/DR Memo Processing and Order Entry in the Customer Order Processing package. |
35. Ups Zone | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the customer's UPS zone. This field is used for reference only. |
36. Invoice Form | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter a valid invoice form. This will be the default value used to print invoices for the customer. |
37. ABC Class | 1 alphanumeric character; A, B, C or blank. Enter a valid value, including blank. |
38. Frt Col/Prepaid | 1 alphanumeric character; C, P or blank. Enter a valid value. This will be the default value for the Freight Collect/Prepaid field when a COP order is entered for this customer. |
39. Shipping Time | 3 numeric digits. Enter the number of days it takes to deliver your product to the customer. |
40. Days Deliv Early OK | 3 numeric digits. Enter the numbers of days the customer allows for product to be delivered early. |
41. Finance Charge? | Y or N The answer you enter for this question will determine whether the customer will have finance charges automatically calculated on over due amounts when the Finance Charges Processing application is run. |
42. Substitute Items ? | Y or N. Answer whether the customer allows substitute items or not. An answer of N will cause a warning message to be displayed during Order Entry in the Customer Order Processing Package if a substitute item is selected. This field defaults to Y. |
43. Backorders OK? | Y or N. Answer whether the customer allows backorders or not. An answer of N will cause a warning message to be displayed during Order Entry in theCustomer Order Processing Package if an item is partially or fully backordered. This field defaults to Y. |
44. Partial Ship OK? | Y or N. Answer whether the customer allows partial shipments or not. An answer of N will cause a warning message to be displayed during Order Entry in theCustomer Order Processing Package if all line items are not selected for billing. This field defaults to Y. |
45. Dunning Letters? | Y or N. Answer whether the customer will receive dunning letters or not. This field is used for reference only. This field defaults to N. |
46. Print Immed Ack. | Y or N. Answer whether you want Elliott to print an immediate order acknowledgement for the customer. This field defaults to blank. |
47. Transfer Cust | Y or N. Answer whether the customer is a transfer customer. For more information, refer to the section titled Transfer Customer. This field defaults to blank. |
48. Transfer To-Loc | 2 alphanumeric characters. If this is a transfer customer, enter the location to be used with this customer. Enter a valid location code. |
49. Transit Days | 2 numeric digits. If this is a transfer customer, enter the number of days it takes to transfer the product to the destination location. |
50. User Defined Field 1 | 30 alphanumeric characters. This was originally note field one. |
51. User Defined Field 2 | 30 alphanumeric characters. This was originally note field two. |
52. User Defined Field 3 | 30 alphanumeric characters. This was originally note field three. |
53. User Defined Field 4 | 30 alphanumeric characters. This was originally note field four. |
54. User Defined Field 5 | 30 alphanumeric characters. This was originally note field five. |
55. User Defined Date Field | A date in the standard date format. This was originally note field six. |
56. User Defined Amount Field | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99-). This was originally note field seven. |
The following fields only appear in the change mode.
Name | Type and Description |
57. Sales Ptd | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the amount of the customer's purchases so far this period. |
58. Sales Ytd | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the amount of the customer's purchases so far this year. |
59. Sales Last Yr | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the amount of the customer's purchases last year. |
60. Sales Year Bf LY | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the amount of the customer's purchases the year before last. |
61. Cost Ptd | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the total cost of the goods sold to the customer so far this period. |
62. Cost Ytd | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the total cost of the goods sold to the customer so far this year. |
63. Cost Last Yr | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the total cost of the goods sold to the customer last year. |
64. Acct Bal | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). Enter the customer's account balance as of the time of entry. If you do not wish to enter the customer's account balance, you can proceed to enter all of the customer's open items by way of the A/R Open Item File application, and then runSet Customer Account Balance. Set Customer Account Balance will read through all of the customer's outstanding transactions, totaling them, and then will set this field equal to the resulting figure. |
65. Highest Bal | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This field is the highest account balance that the customer has had from the time this field was cleared in Clear A/R Accumulators. |
66. Disc Given Ytd | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the amount of discount given to this customer so far this year. |
67. Last Sale Date | A date in the standard date format. This is the date of the last sale made to this customer. |
68. Last Sale Amt | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99-). This is the amount of the last sale made to this customer. |
69. Last Paymt Date | A date in the standard date format. This is the date of the last payment made by this customer. |
70. Last Paymt Amt | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the amount of the last payment made by this customer. |
71. Invoices Ytd | 6 numeric digits (999,999). This is the number of invoices for the customer so far this year. |
72. Invoices Last Yr | 6 numeric digits (999,999). This is the number of invoices for the customer last year. |
73. Invoices Pd Ytd | 6 numeric digits (999,999). This is the number of invoices the customer has paid so far this year. |
74. Avg Days Pay Ytd | 5 numeric digits (99,999). This is the average number of days it took this customer to fully pay an invoice so far this year. This is based on the invoice date and check receipt date. |
75. Avg Days Pay Last Yr | 5 numeric digits (99,999). This is the average number of days it took this customer to fully pay an invoice last year. |
76. Opn Ord Pick/Inv Amt | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the total amount of orders that have had a picking ticket printed or an invoice printed, but has not yet been posted. This amount can be included in credit checking. |
77. Last Aging Date | A date in the standard date format. This is the date that statements were last aged for this customer. This date is used in calculating aged amounts for selections 58, 59, 60, and 61. |
78. Age Amt Current | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the aged amount in period 1 as of the last statement age date for this customer. The description is taken from the description of period 1 in A/R Setup. e.g., Age Amt Current. |
79. Age Amt 31-60 Days | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the aged amount in period 2 as of the last statement age date for this customer. The description is taken from the description of period 2 in A/R Setup. e.g., Age Amt 31 to 60 Days. |
80. Age Amt 61-90 Days | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the aged amount in period 3 as of the last statement age date for this customer. The description is taken from the description of period 3 in A/R Setup. e.g., Age Amt 61 to 90 Days. |
81. Age Amt Over 90 Days | 11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-). This is the aged amount in period 4 as of the last statement age date for this customer. The description is taken from the description of period 4 in A/R Setup. e.g., Age Amt Over 90 Days. |
The fields entered on screen 3 of Customer File Maintenance are updated every time Sales or Cash Receipts transactions are processed. They can be cleared to zero by way of the Clear A/R Accumulators application in processing. For this reason, the operator will ordinarily not be able to change these fields in change mode.
When a change is attempted to these fields, the following message will be displayed.
Changes To These Fields Not Allowed Press "RETURN"
However, if you do find it necessary to make corrections to data that was entered in error, there is a way to do it. In response to the “Field Number?“ question, press Control-O to overwrite the value. You will then be able to make changes to these fields in the same way that any other fields are changed, if change protected fields in A/R Setup is Y.
Customer File Maintenance (Screen #1)
Customer File Maintenance (Screen # 2)
Customer File Maintenance (Screen # 3)
Numeric Customer List – Menu Option
Alphabetic Customer List – Menu Option
Customer Mailing Labels (Screen #1) – Menu Option
Customer Mailing Labels (Screen #2)
Customer Mailing Labels (Screen #3)
Customer Mailing Labels (Screen #4)
Customer Special Functions Menu
Name | Type and Description |
1. Export Item Number As | 1 alphanumeric character; O, I, U, C or S. Enter the value that represents the field you want to use for the item number during the Sales Order/Invoice Export. O = original value used in the import of the order, I = item number, U = UPC code, C = customer item number and S = style number, if the Style Enhancement is turned on. This field defaults to O. |
2. Export Orig Item Number As | 1 alphanumeric character; O, I, U, C or S. Enter the value that represents the field you want to use for the original item number during the Sales Order/Invoice Export. O = original value used in the import of the order, I = item number, U = UPC code, C = customer item number and S = style number, if the Style Enhancement is turned on. This field defaults to O. |
3. Export EDI Turn Around As | 1 alphanumeric character; O, I, U, C or S. Enter the value that represents the field you want to use for the EDI Turn Around field during the Sales Order/Invoice Export. O = original value used in the import of the order, I = item number, U = UPC code, C = customer item number and S = style number, if the Style Enhancement is turned on. This field defaults to O. |
4. Enforce UPC Upon Import | Y or N. Answer whether the customer requires the items imported to have a UPC code or not. An answer of Y will cause a warning message to be displayed during Sales Order Import in the Customer Order Processing Package if the item imported does not have a UPC code in Elliott. This field defaults to N. |
5. Enforce Cust Item Upon Import | Y or N. Answer whether the customer requires the items imported to have a Customer Item Number or not. An answer of Y will cause a warning message to be displayed during Sales Order Import in the Customer Order Processing Package if the item imported does not have a Customer Item in Elliott. This field defaults to N. |
6. Required ASN | Y or N. Answer whether the customer requires an Advanced Shipping Notice or not. An answer of Y will cause a warning message to be printed on the Sales Journal when COP invoices are posted if the Shipping Data has not been exported and the invoice will not post. This field defaults to N. |
7. Mark Order As EDI | Y or N. Answer whether orders manually entered for the customer should be flagged as an EDI order or not. An answer of Y will mark each manually entered order as EDI and may require the invoice and shipping information to be exported before the invoice will post. This field defaults to N. |
8. Default EDI Department Number | 6 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will become the department number if left blank from the import file during Sales Order Import. This field defaults to blank. |
9. Export Order Header Note | Y or N. Answer whether the customer requires the order header note to be exported during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. The value here will be the default value on the export screen. This field defaults to N. |
10. Export Order Line Item Note | Y or N. Answer whether the customer requires the order line item note to be exported during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. The value here will be the default value on the export screen. This field defaults to N. |
11. Export Carrier Data | Y or N. Answer whether you want the carrier data to be exported for the order during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. This field defaults to Y. |
12. Export Ship Box Data | Y or N. Answer whether you want the box data to be exported for the order during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. This field defaults to Y. |
13. Export <F2> Comment | Y or N. Answer whether you want the F2 Comments to be exported for the order during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. This field defaults to N. |
14. Update Box Qty W/Inv Export | Y or N. Answer whether you want the box quantity to be updated during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. This field defaults to N. |
15. Divide/Multiply Import Qty By Itm Usr Amt | 1 alphanumeric character; D, M or N. Enter the value that represents how you want the quantities ordered and shipped to be handled during the Sales Order Import. The reverse will be performed in the Sales Order/Invoice Export. D = divided the import quantity by the Item User Amount, M = multiply the import quantity by the Item User Amount and N = do not convert the import quanityt. This field defaults toN. |
16. 856 Default Package Code | 5 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will become the default package code during the Ship Data Export. The data can come from the system’s Package Code file, but entry is not validated against it. This field defaults to blank. |
Name | Type and Description |
17. Force One Label Per Box | Y or N. Answer whether you want Elliott to produce a label record for each box defined in Shipping Verification during the Sales Order/Invoice Export or not. This field defaults to N. |
18. Stop Shipping Veri. If SCAC Cd Not Found | Y or N. Answer whether you want Elliott to prevent the user from performing Shipping Verification if the Ship Via on the order is missing the SCAC Code or not. Usually the SCAC Code is required on the Advanced Ship Notice (ASN, 856). This field defaults to N. |
19. Force One ASN Per Order ? | Y or N. Answer whether you want Elliott to break each order into a separate ASN shipment during Ship Data Export or not. This can be done manually by exporting each order one at a time, but this flag allows for a range of orders to be exported and will break each one into a shipment. This field defaults to N. |
20. Export Order/Invoice Filename And Path: | 50 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will override the global setup filename and path during the Sales Order/Invoice Export, if this customer is the only one selected. This value will display on the screen before the export takes place. This field defaults to blank. |
21. Export Shipping Data Filename and Path: | 50 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will override the global setup filename and path during the Shipping Data Export, if this customer is selected. This field defaults to blank. |
22. UCC Label ASCII Filename And Path: | 50 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will override the Shipping Verification global setup filename and path. This ASCII file can be used by other software, such as BarTender, to print UCC labels. This field defaults to blank. |
23. UCC X-dock Label ASCII Filename And Path: | 50 alphanumeric characters. The value entered here will override the Shipping Verification global setup filename and path for cross-dock orders. This ASCII file can be used by other software, such as BarTender, to print UCC labels. A cross-dock order must have a value for the Store Number on the order. This field defaults to blank. |
24. Consolidate Identical PO Order | Y or N. Answer whether you want orders from the customer with duplicate PO numbers, Ship-To numbers and Ship Via codes to be consolidated. This overrides the value in the Global Setup. This field defaults to N. |
25. Ship-To Xref Required ? | Y or N. Answer whether the Ship-To cross reference is required for the Ship-To on the order. Some customers require this on their EDI documents. This field defaults to N. |
26. Post EDI Invoice Without 810 Export ? | Y or N. Answer whether you want the invoice to post without first exporting the invoice (810) information or not. This field defaults to N. |
27. Allow Duplicate Purchase Order Numbers ? | Y or N. Answer whether you want to allow duplicate purchase order numbers for the customer or not. This field defaults to N. |
This feature allows you to copy one customer from one Elliott company to another. This is to allow the address, phone number or other setup value changes in one central company to apply to other secondary companies. It will override the customer if it already exists in the target company and will copy new or changed eContacts, Notes, Attributes and Links for the customer.
Invoice History Inquiry
Recurring Order By Customer
The Customer File application enables you to examine the information, and notes that were previously entered into Customer File Maintenance. This is considered as a read only function for inquiry purposes only.
Select Customer File from the pull down A/R Inquiry window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Customer File Inquiry Entry Screen
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Customer File Inquiry (Screen #1)
Customer File Inquiry (Screen #2)