A/R Setup is not an application that you will be running very often. In this application, you will answer some questions that tailor the Accounts Receivable package to the way you do accounting in your company.
For example, some companies like to determine how old a customer's account is by referring to the original date of the sale, whereas others like to give customers more leeway by aging their accounts from the due date of the sale, instead of the sale. Through this application, you will be able to enter data of this sort. Also, you will answer some questions about how you calculate Finance Charges on overdue accounts.
The programs that do these various kinds of processing will alter the way they proceed to conform with the way that you have said you want it to be done.
The second screen of A/R Setup deals with the numbers of the accounts where you expect to be recording certain types of transaction amounts in your General Ledger.
A large amount of flexibility in the posting of these amounts is permitted here. For example, there is one question asking, Distribute Sales ?. Perhaps you have more than one area of your company that generates sales. In this case you would probably want to keep a record of what income each area generated. So you would answer Y to this question. However, if you want to record all income from sales in just one Sales account, you would answer N to the Distribute Sales ? question. Similar questions are asked about other distribution amounts.
The last screen of A/R Setup also lets you determine whether customer statements and/or invoices will be printed on laser forms. It also allows you to include or exclude PR and A/P data on the Job Analysis Report.
Select A/R Setup from the pull down A/R Util_setup window. The following screen will then be displayed:
A/R Setup Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Entry Field Descriptions
| ||
| 1. Starting Invoice No | 6 numeric digits (999999). Enter the first document number, which will be assigned during entry of sales transactions or during printing of invoices if the COP package is in use. This field will be incremented when the F1 key is pressed for the document number in Sales & CR/DR Memo Processing or each time an invoice is printed inCustomer Order Processing. | ||
| 2. Age By Inv Or Due Date | 1 alphanumeric character. The letter entered here determines whether the A/R open items will be aged from the date of the invoice or from the date when payment is due. Enter the letter I for aging by invoice date. Enter D for aging by due date. | ||
| 2. Age By Inv Or Due Date | 1 alphanumeric character. The letter entered here determines whether the A/R open items will be aged from the date of the invoice or from the date when payment is due. Enter the letter I for aging by invoice date. Enter D for aging by due date. | ||
| 3. # Age Days In Period 1 | 3 numeric digits (999). Enter the number of days in the first aging period, which is the current or net due period. Entries of from 1 to 999 days are allowed. Suggested entry would be 30 days. | ||
| 4. # Age Days In Period 2 | 3 numeric digits (999). Enter the upper limit in days of the second aging period (first past due period). Entries of from 1 to 999 days are allowed. Suggested entry would be 60 days. | ||
| 5. # Age Days In Period 3 | 3 numeric digits (999). Enter the upper limit in days of the third aging period (second past due period). Entries of from 1 to 999 days are allowed. Suggested entry would be 90 days. | ||
| 6. # Age Days In Period 4 | 3 numeric digits (999). Enter the upper limit in days of the fourth aging period (third and last past due period). Entries of from 1 to 999 days are allowed. It is recommended that 999be entered here to ensure that all documents older than those in Period 3 are covered in this period. | ||
| 7. Aging Period 1 Descrip | 12 alphanumeric characters. | ||
Aging Period 1 Descrip (continued) | For each of the items 7 through 10 on the screen, enter a brief description for that aging period. Each description may be up to 12 characters long, containing letters and/or numbers. These descriptions will be printed on aging reports to characterize A/R open items. |
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8. Aging Period 2 Descrip | 12 alphanumeric characters. See field #7. |
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9. Aging Period 3 Descrip | 12 alphanumeric characters. See field #7. |
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10. Aging Period 4 Descrip | 12 alphanumeric characters. See field #7. |
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11. Fin Chg % ‑ Level 1 | 5 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (99.999). If two levels of finance charges exist, this entry is the finance charge percentage on amounts up to a cut‑off level (level 1). For example, if finance charges are computed at 1.5% on amounts up to $800 and 1% on the amount exceeding $800, the finance charge percentage for level 1 would be 1.5. Entries from .001 to 99.999 are allowed. If the company has only one finance charge percentage, you enter it here and skip over items 11 and 12 on the screen (by pressing RETURN for those items). |
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13. Fin Chg % ‑ Level 2 | 5 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (99.999). Enter a value here only if the company charges a different finance charge percentage for past due amounts that exceed the level 1 cut off value. If the company uses a single finance charge percentage for all past due amounts, press RETURN to skip over this item. Entries from .001 to 99.999 are allowed. |
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14. Age Past Due By Inv Or Due Date | 1 alphanumeric character. The value you enter here determines whether the age of overdue amounts will be determined by the date of the invoice or the date payment was due, for the purpose of computing finance charges. Enter the letter I for aging by invoice date. Enter D for aging by due date. |
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15. # Days Pst Du For Fnchg | 3 numeric digits (999). Enter the value of the maximum number of days an open item may be past due before finance charges will be calculated and added to it. Values from 1 to 999 are allowed. |
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16. Minimum Fin Charge | 4 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (99.99). The value entered here is the minimum finance charge that will be charged to a customer with a past due account, regardless of the amount past due. Values from 0.01 to 99.99may be entered. |
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17. Print Co Name On Stmt ? | Y or N. If you answer Y (for yes), the company's name and address that is stored in the Companyfile will be printed by the computer on the customer statements. If you answer N (for no), the company's name and address will not be printed on the customer statements. Note that, if statements have been pre‑printed with the company's name and address, you should answer N to this question. |
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18. Use Job Numbers ? | Y or N. If you wish to use job numbers in the A/R package, enter Y. The Job Analysis Reportapplication will be enabled and records will be posted to the Job History file. If you would prefer not to use job numbers in the Accounts Receivable package, enter N. The Job Analysis Report application will be disabled, and records will not be posted to theJob History file. |
| ||
19. Multiple A/R Accts ? | Y or N. You may want to keep track of different types of Accounts Receivable, such as theAccounts Receivable generated from sales on the east coast and the Accounts Receivable generated from west coast sales. If you do want to keep separate A/Raccounts, answer Y here. |
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20. Default Acct Rec Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter the default Accounts Receivable account number. If you have not specified that you are using multiple A/R accounts, all Accounts Receivable amounts will be posted to this default account. |
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21. Distribute Sales ? | Y or N. Answer Y if sales transactions are to be distributed to various account numbers when they are entered. Answer N if sales transactions are not to be distributed to different sales accounts. If you answer N, all sales transactions will be posted to the default sales account number entered for the next item of this screen. This field may not be accessed if there are unposted transactions in the Sales Transaction file. |
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23. Distribute Misc Chrgs ? | Y or N. Answer Y if miscellaneous charges are to be distributed to various miscellaneous charges account numbers when sales transactions are entered. Answer N if miscellaneous charges are not to be distributed. If you answer N, all miscellaneous charges entered will be posted to the default miscellaneous charges account number entered for the next item of this screen. |
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Distribute Misc Chrgs ? (continued) | This field may not be accessed if there are unposted transactions in the Sales Transaction file. |
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24. Default Misc Chrgs Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. This is the default miscellaneous charges account that is used in Ship Via Code File Maintenance. |
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25. Distribute Freight ? | Y or N. Answer Y if freight charges are to be distributed to various freight charges account numbers when sales transactions are entered. Answer N if freight charges are not to be distributed. If you answer N, all freight charges entered will be posted to the default freight account number entered in the Ship Via Code File Maintenance application. This field may not be accessed if there are unposted transactions in the Sales Transaction file. |
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26. Default Freight Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. This is the default freight account that is used in Ship Via Code File Maintenance. |
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27. Multiple Cash Accts ? | Y or N. Answer Y if cash receipts are to be distributed to more than one cash account. Answer N if all cash receipts are to be posted to the default cash account number specified in the next item of this screen. |
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28. Default Cash Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter the default cash account number. |
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29. Default Allowance Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter the allowance account number. An allowance is some amount of additional discount that you are giving to your customer for some purpose. The account number you enter here will be the default allowance account number in those applications where you are asked to enter an allowance account number. |
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30. Finance Chgs Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter the account number of the finance charges account. All finance charge amounts will be posted to this finance charge account. |
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31. Discount Misc Chrgs ? | Y or N. Enter whether miscellaneous charges are subject to discounts or not. |
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32. Discount Freight ? | Y or N. Enter whether freight is subject to discounts or not. |
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33. Discount Sales Tax ? | Y or N. Enter whether sales tax is subject to discounts or not. |
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34. Discount Acct No | An account number in the standard account number format. Enter the account number of the discount account used in the package. All discounts taken on sales transactions throughout the A/R package will be posted to this discount account. |
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35. Change Protected Fields ? | Y or N. Enter whether you are going to allow changes to the protected fields using the F6 key or not. This answer will affect the ability to make changes to selected fields on the second screen of Customer File Maintenance and Salesman File Maintenance and the first screen ofTax Code File Maintenance. |
| ||
37. Default Invoice Form | 2 numeric characters. Enter a valid Invoice form number that was previously defined in the Invoice Form Setup application to be used by default when printing customer invoices. |
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38. Customer Note Literal 1 | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the first literal description line of the Notes field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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39. Customer Note Literal 2 | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the second literal description line of the Notes field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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40. Customer Note Literal 3 | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the third literal description line of the Notes field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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41. Customer Note Literal 4 | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the fourth literal description line of the Notes field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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42. Customer Note Literal 5 | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the fifth literal description line of the Notes field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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43. Customer Date Literal | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the literal description line of the date field information. You may enter any expression that suits your needs. |
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44. Customer Amount Literal | 10 alphanumeric characters. This field serves to label the literal description line of the amount field information. You may enter any amount that suits your needs. |
| ||
46. Print A/P Info On Job Analysis Report? | Y or N. If you answer Y, Job History file information generated from Accounts Payable will be printed on the Job Analysis Report. If you answer N, Job History file information generated from Accounts Payable will not be printed on the Job Analysis Report. |
47. Print Payroll Info On Job Analysis Report? | Y or N. If you answer Y, Job History file information generated from Payroll will be printed on the Job Analysis Report. If you answer N, Job History file information generated fromPayroll will not be printed on the Job Analysis Report. |
48. Print On Laser Forms? | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: S = Statements only I = Invoices only B = Both N = No laser forms. Enter S to print only customer statements on laser forms. For more information on this, see Print Statements under the Processing section of this manual. Enter I to print only service invoices on laser forms. For more information on this, seeInvoice Form Setup under the Utilities section of this manual. Enter B to print both statements and invoices on laser forms. Enter N to not use laser forms. If I or B are selected, you should also change A/R Setup field #37 (Default Invoice Form) to 99. See the Invoice Form Setup application section of this manual for more information. |
A/R Setup (Screen #2)
A/R Setup Screen 3